Marcello Canuto

Marcello Canuto

Director - Middle American Research Institute

Professor - Anthropology
School of Liberal Arts
Stone Center Departments
The Stone Center
People Classification
Tulane Affiliation
Core Faculty
  • Africa
  • Asia
  • Mesoamerica
  • South America
Marcello Canuto

Additional Info

Recently-Taught Latin American-Related Courses: 

Number of Dissertations or Theses Supervised in the Past 5 Years:



Archaeological theory, Mesoamerican prehistory, Development of Socio-political complexity, Remote sensing analysis


  • A.B., Harvard University, Anthropology, 1991
  • Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Anthropology, 2002

Academic Experience

Academic Experience
  • Associate Professor, Tulane University, 2009-
  • Assistant Professor, Yale University, 2002-2009
  • Lecturer, Yale University, 2001-2002
  • Lecturer, University of Massachusetts, 2000-2001
  • Field Instructor, Harvard Archaeological Field School, Honduras, 1997-2000


  • Research Grant, The Development of the Regional Political System among the Maya. Alphawood Foundation, 2016-2019
  • General Preservation Assessment of Ancient Egyptian Collection. National Endowment for the Humanities, Preservation Assistance Grants for Smaller Institutions, 2016
  • Certificate of Recognition, Office of the Mayor, City of New Orleans, 2016
  • Research and Development Grant, Political Centralizaiton in Classic Maya Society, Louisiana Board of Regents, 2015-2018
  • Traditional Enhancement Grant, Louisiana Board of Regents, 2015
  • Research Grant, Selz Foundation, 2015
  • National Geographic Society Grant, 2005, 2009, 2014
  • Selz Foundation Grant, 2012-2013
  • Honorary Citizen of Guatemala City, Office of the Mayor of Guatemala City, Guatemala, 2012
  • The Seaver Institute Grant, 2008-2010
  • Reed Foundation Research Grant, 2007
  • National Science Foundation Grant, 2004
  • Heinz Foundation Grant, 2004


  • Spanish
  • Italian
  • French
  • Portuguese

Overseas Experience

  • Honduras
  • Mexico
  • Guatemala
  • Bolivia
  • India

Selected Publications

  • 2016. “Impacts of Climate Change on the Collapse of Lowland Maya Civilization.” With Tomás Barrientos Q. Manuscript accepted by Annual Reviews in Earth and Planetary Sciences.
  • 2015. “Drought, agricultural adaptation and sociopolitical collapse in the Maya Lowlands.” With Douglas, Peter, Arthur A. Demarest, Mark Brenner. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(18):5607:5612
  • 2015. “Preliminary Notes on Two Recently Discovered Inscriptions from La Corona, Guatemala.” Maya Decipherment.
  • 2014. “Epitaph for a Maya Lord.” With Stuart, David, Tomás Barrientos Q. and Maxime Lamoureux St-Hillaire. Arts Quarterly, (Fall):8-9.
  • 2013. “Archaeological Investigations in the El Paraíso valley: the Role of Secondary Centers in the Multiethnic Landscape of Classic Period Copan” With Douglas, Peter, Mark Pagani, Mark Brenner, David A. Hodell, Timothy I. Eglinton, and Jason H. Curtis. A
  • 2012. “Community.” With Jason Yaeger. In Oxford Handbook on Mesoamerican Archaeology. D.L. Nichols and C.A. Pool, eds. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • 2011. “Before the Classic in the Southeastern Area: Issues of Organizational and Ethnic Diversity in the Copan Region, western Honduras.” With R. J. Sharer and E. E. Bell. In The Southern Maya in the Late Preclassic. N Kaplan and M Love, eds. Boulder: Uni
  • 2009. “Proyecto Regional Arqueológico La Corona: Objetivos generales y resultados preliminares de las investigaciones en el “Sitio Q”.” With Tomas Barrientos Q. In XXII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala. Juan P. Laporte, et al., eds.
  • 2009. “Middle Preclassic Maya Society: Quixotic Tilting at Windmills or Giants of Civilization?” In Early Maya States. Robert J. Sharer and Loa P. Traxler, eds. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • 2008. “The Ties that Bind: Administrative Strategies in the El Paraíso Valley, Department of Copan, Honduras.” With Ellen E. Bell. Mexicon. 30 (1): 10-20.
  • 2004. Understanding Early Classic Copan. Editor, with Ellen E. Bell and Robert J. Sharer. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.

Hortensia Calvo

Hortensia Calvo

Doris Stone Director - The Latin American Library

Stone Center Departments
The Stone Center
Latin American Library
People Classification
Tulane Affiliation
Core Faculty
  • South America
Hortensia Calvo


Spanish American literary Baroque, social history of early modern print culture


  • Ph.D., Yale University, Spanish, 1990
  • M.A., Spanish and Spanish American Literature, University of Illinois, 1984
  • Licenciatura, Philosophy, Universidad de Los Andes, Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia, 1980

Academic Experience

Academic Experience
  • Adjunct Assistant Professor, Duke University, 2002
  • Assistant Professor, Princeton University, 1990-1996


  • Summer Research Grants, Princeton University, 1992, 1993, 1994
  • Research Fellow, John Carter Brown Library, Brown University, 1988
  • Edward A. and Samuel C. Suisman Fellowship, Yale University, 1986-1987


  • Spanish
  • French

Overseas Experience

  • Colombia
  • Mexico

Selected Publications

  • 2023. Cartas de Lysi: La mecenas de sor Juana en correspondencia inédita. Co-author with Beatriz Colombi. Madrid: Iberoamericana-Vervuert. 2nd rev. edition.
  • 2023. “Un tesoro disponible: El libro latinoamericano en las bibliotecas académicas de EE.UU.” Tendencia Editorial, 35. Bogotá: Universidad del Rosario, 2023.. 3-7.
  • 2022. “Nicaragua 2018: Ensayo fotográfico” Mesoamérica 59.
  • 2019. “Crescent City Connections to Latin America: A History of the Latin American Library at Tulane University.” With Guillermo Náñez Falcón. Latin American Librarianship in the Twenty-first Century: Libraries, Collaborations and New Approaches. Gayle W
  • 2018. “Unpublished Letters from Sor Juana’s Mentor, María Luisa Manrique de Lara y Gonzaga: Correspondence from The Latin American Library, Tulane University” SALALM LX Papers, New Orleans: SALALM.
  • 2016. “Latin America.” A Companion to the History of the Book. 2nd revised edition. Edited by Simon Eliot and Jonathan Rose. Oxford, UK; New York, NY: Blackwell.
  • 2015. “Cartas de Lysi: La mecenas de sor Juana en correspondencia inédita.” Co-author with Beatriz Colombi. Madrid: Iberoamericana-Vervuert; Mexico: Bonilla Editores.

José Nicolás Cabrera-Schneider

José Nicolás Cabrera-Schneider


Ph.D. Student
School of Liberal Arts
Stone Center Departments
The Stone Center
People Classification
Tulane Affiliation
Graduate Student
José Nicolás Cabrera-Schneider


Nicolás Cabrera-Schneider is from Guatemala. He holds an M.S. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and an M.A. in Anthropology. Currently, Nicolás is a Ph.D. student in Latin American Studies at Tulane University. His research focuses on international policy outcomes in local communities. He has published on the effects of DR-CAFTA on local communities and political party comparisons between the U.S. and Guatemala. He has researched Nicaragua’s South Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region, as well as, in the western highlands, northern subtropical forest, and Caribbean coast of Guatemala. His community service includes working as a grant writer for two Guatemalan education-based non-profits. Additionally, Nicolás has published books of short stories, poetry, and novels.

Carolina Caballero

Carolina Caballero

Zemurray-Stone Senior Professor of Practice - Latin American Studies/Spanish & Portuguese

Associate Director, Cuban & Caribbean Studies Institute
School of Liberal Arts
Stone Center Departments
The Stone Center
People Classification
Tulane Affiliation
Associated Faculty
  • Caribbean
Carolina Caballero


At Tulane University since 2008, I. Carolina Caballero now holds a joint appointment at the Stone Center for Latin American Studies and the Department of Spanish and Portuguese since January of 2020. She specializes in 20th and 21st century texts of the Spanish-speaking Caribbean and its diaspora, particularly in the genre of theater and performance. She teaches courses in English and Spanish in literary, cultural, and ethnic studies based in Latin and Latinx America and well as language courses. She is currently serving as interim advisor for the undergraduate major and minor in Latin American Studies and works to promote and advance the undergraduate program through curriculum development, activities, and networking and travel opportunities for students. As Associate Director of the Cuban and Caribbean Studies Institute since 2012, she also organizes and plans events, hosts speakers, and collaborate on conferences on campus that highlight the region, and promotes travel and research among faculty and graduate students. She also co-directs and teaches on CCSI’s summer abroad programs for undergraduates in Cuba and Panamá.


Approaches to Latinx Studies; Introduction to Latin American Studies, Spanish Conversation and Composition for Heritage Speakers; Spanish and Latin American Literature and Film


Contemporary Latin American literature, Cultural Studies, Cuba


  • Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Romance Languages, 2004
  • M.A., University of North Carolina, Romance Languages, 1997
  • B.A., Wofford College, History and Spanish, 1994

Academic Experience

Academic Experience
  • Senior Professor of Practice, Tulane University, 2014-
  • Associate Director, Cuban and Caribbean Studies Institute 2012-
  • Professor of Practice, Tulane University, 2008-
  • Assistant Professor, Regis University, 2005-2008
  • Instructor, University of Colorado-Boulder, 2004-2005
  • Lecturer, University of Colorado-Boulder, 2003-2004
  • Teaching Fellow, University of North Carolina, 1994-2002


  • Simón Rodríguez Award for Best Undergraduate Teaching, 2013
  • NEH Grant, 2006
  • University of Florida Research Grant in Latin American Studies, 2005
  • FLAS Fellowship, 2001-2002


  • Spanish
  • Portuguese

Overseas Experience

  • Cuba
  • Brazil
  • Mexico
  • Spain

Selected Publications

  • 2021. Open Channels: The Journey Begins/Canales Abiertos: La jornada comienza” by Mat Schwarzman, Fátima Patterson and I. Carolina Caballero on 29 July 2021
  • 2016. “Prólogo” to the anthology Teatro cubano actual. Dramaturgia escrita en los Estados Unidos (II) published by Editorial Tablas in Havana, Cuba. September 2016.
  • 2016. “Amigos and Miami Post-Mariel: Carolina Caballero Talks to Director Iván Acosta”, appeared in a dossier “Myths of Mariel in the webzine Cuba Counterpoints, August 2016
  • 2015. “From Camagüey’s Carnival”, published in the section Dispatches in the webzine Cuba Counterpoints, July 2015
  • 2014.“Una diaspora reimaginada por Jorge Ignacio Cortiñas en Blind Mouth Singing and Bird in the Hand” in La gaceta de Cuba. Vol. 5 (2014) 26-29.
  • 2013.“Vidas cubanas en el teatro americano” in Tablas: Revista Cubana de las Artes Escénicas. Vol. CIII (2013). 65-69.
  • 2013. “Madres, tiranas y rebeldes: los personajes femeninos en la obra teatral de Pedro R. Monge Rafuls.” Pp. 112-123 in Celebrando a Virgilio Piñera. Miami: Pro Teatro Cubano.
  • 2012. “Aquí, allá, ahora: Un ciclo de lecturas necesarias.” Tablas: Revista Cubana de las Artes Escénicas Vol. XCVIII: 100-102.
  • 2009. “Una cubana in the Borderlands in La hija de la Llorona by Teresa Dovalpage.” Latin American Theatre Review, Fall: 27-39.

Michael Burke

Michael Burke

Professor and Earl P. and Ethel B. Koerner Chair in Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Freeman School of Business

A. B. Freeman School of Business
Stone Center Departments
The Stone Center
People Classification
Tulane Affiliation
Affiliated Faculty
Michael Burke


International Leadership and Team Building

Additional Info

Number of Dissertations or Theses Supervised in the Past 5 Years: 2


Organizational Behavior, Occupational Safety


  • Ph.D., Illinois Institute of Technology, Psychology, 1982
  • M.S., Purdue University, Industrial Psychology, 1980
  • B.A., University of Notre Dame, Psychology, 1977

Academic Experience

Academic Experience
  • Professor, Tulane University, 1994-
  • Visiting Professor, University of Sheffield, 2004
  • Associate Professor, Tulane University, 1991-1994
  • Associate Professor, New York University, 1988-1991
  • Assistant Professor, New York University, 1985-1988


  • Recipient, 2023 Tulane University Convergence Award for research "which recognizes Tulane scholars or teams of scholars who successfully collaborate across schools, units and departments to surpass traditional academic disciplines and further the research
  • Recipient, Dean’s Faculty Excellence Award, Freeman School of Business, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
  • Fellow, International Association of Applied Psychology, 2014
  • Recipient, Outstanding Author Contribution Award at the Emerald Literati Network 2011 Awards for Excellence, 2011
  • Lawrence Martin Chair, Freeman School of Business, 2007-
  • Recipient, Decade of Behavior Research Award, 2006
  • President, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2003-2004
  • Invited Presenter, Universidad Virtual del Sistema Tecnologico de Monterrey (ITESM), Mexico, 1998


  • French

Overseas Experience

  • Mexico
  • Colombia
  • England
  • Australia

Selected Publications

  • 2023. “External validity of teamwork and leadership behavior in academic labs: Evidence from samples in Peru and the U.S.” with Varela, O., Jauregui, K., & Quevedo, S. Journal of Social Psychology, 102, 655-675.
  • 2022. “The relative importance and interaction of contextual and methodological predictors of mean rWG for work climate.” with Smith-Crowe, K., Burke, M.I., Cohen, A., Doveh, E., & Sun, S. Journal of Business and Psychology.
  • 2022. “Mitigating the Psychologically Detrimental Effects of Supervisor Undermining: Joint Effects of Voice and Political Skill.” with Sun, S., Chen, H., Tan, Y., Zhang, J., & Pisces, L. Human Relations, 75(1), 87-112.
  • 2021. “An evaluation of safety training for a diverse disaster response workforce: The case of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill.” with Sarpy, S.A. In special issue of European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education (EJIHPE) entitle
  • 2020. “Toward a greater understanding of Colombian professional truck drivers’ safety performance.” with Valenzuela, L.S. Transportation Research Part F, 73, 188-204.
  • 2018. “Central tendency matched difference approaches for assessing interrater agreement,” with Cohen, A., Doveh, E., and Smith-Crowe, K. Journal of Applied Psychology. 103, 1198-1229.

Pierre Buekens

Pierre Buekens

W.H. Watkins Professor of Epidemiology

Public Health and Tropical Medicine
School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine
Stone Center Departments
The Stone Center
People Classification
Tulane Affiliation
Core Faculty
  • General Latin America
Pierre Buekens


Obstetrics and Gynecology, Epidemiology, General Latin America


  • M.D., Free University of Brussels, 1979
  • M.P.H., Free University of Brussels, 1982
  • Certification in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Free University of Brussels, 1984
  • Ph.D., Free University of Brussels, Epidemiology and Public Health, 1988

Academic Experience

Academic Experience
  • Professor, Tulane University, 2003-
  • Clinical Professor, Tulane University School of Medicine, 2003-
  • Professor, University of North Carolina, 1996-2002
  • Fellow, University of North Carolina Population Center, 1996-2003
  • Lecturer, Free University of Brussels, 1993-1996


  • Corresponding Member, Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium, 2014-
  • Honorary Degree, Anton de Kom University of Suriname, Medical School, 2010
  • W. H. Watkins Professor of Epidemiology, Tulane University SPHTM, 2007-
  • ASPH/ CDC Grant, “Maternal Mortality in the US and Europe,” 2001-2003
  • NIH/ NICHD Grant, “A Trial for Improving Perinatal Care in Latin America,” 2001-
  • NIH/ Fogarty International Center Grant, “Latin American Perinatal Health Training Program,” 2001-
  • MCHB/ USDHHS Grant, “Training Program in Maternal and Child Health,” 1997-2000, 2000-2005


  • French
  • Spanish
  • Dutch

Overseas Experience

  • Argentina
  • Mexico

Selected Publications

  • 2018. “Predictive factors of preterm delivery in French Guiana for singleton pregnancies: definition and validation of a predictive score,” with Leneuve-Dorilas, M., Favre, A., Carles, G., Louis, A., Breart, G., and Nacher M. The journal of maternal-fetal
  • 2018. “Zika Virus and the World Health Organization Criteria for Determining Recent Infection Using Plaque Reduction Neutralization Testing,” with Ward, M.J., Alger, J., Berrueta, M., Bock, H., Cafferata, M.L., Ciganda, A., García, J., García, K., Lopez,
  • 2018. “An approach to identify a minimum and rational proportion of caesarean sections in resource-poor settings: a global network study.” Belizán, J.M., Minckas, N., McClure, E.M., Saleem, S., Moore, J.L., Goudar, S.S., Esamai, F., Patel, A., Chomba, E.,
  • 2018. Sources of influence on pregnant women’s preferred mode of delivery in Buenos Aires, Argentina, with Amyx, M., Gibbons, L., Xiong, X., Mazzoni, A., Althabe, F., and Belizán J.M. Birth (Berkeley, Calif.). 45(1):71-78.
  • 2018 “The Gulf oil spill, miscarriage, and infertility: the GROWH study,” with Harville, E.W., Shankar, A., and Zilversmit, L. International archives of occupational and environmental health. 91(1):47-56.
  • 2016. “Brief Counseling on Secondhand Smoke Exposure in Pregnant Women in Argentina and Uruguay.” With Alemán A, Morello P, Colomar M, Llambi L, Berrueta M, Gibbons L, Buekens P, Althabe F. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
  • 2016. “Working Group. Zika virus infection in pregnant women in Honduras: study protocol.” With Buekens P, Alger J, Althabe F, Bergel E, Berrueta AM, Bustillo C, Cafferata ML, Harville E, Rosales K, Wesson DM, Zuniga C; ZIPH Reproductive Health. 13(1):82.
  • 2016. “Effects of acculturation on prenatal anxiety among Latina women.” With Barcelona de Mendoza V, Harville E, Theall K, Buekens P, Chasan-Taber L. Archives of Women’s Mental Health. 19(4):635-44.
  • 2016. “Acculturation and Intention to Breastfeed among a Population of Predominantly Puerto Rican Women.” With Barcelona de Mendoza V, Harville E, Theall K, Buekens P, Chasan-Taber L. Birth 43(1):78-85.
  • 2015. With Padilla-Raygoza N, Gamboa-León R, Ramirez-Sierra MJ, Dumonteil E, Buekens P, Ruiz-Paloalto ML, Diaz-Guerrero R. “Negative studies are helpful to compute the specificity of diagnostic tests: measuring Trypanosoma cruzi seroprevalence in Guanajua

Michael E. Brumbaugh

Michael E. Brumbaugh

Associate Professor - Classical Studies

School of Liberal Arts
Stone Center Departments
The Stone Center
Tulane Affiliation
Affiliated Faculty
Michael Brumbaugh


Utopia in Greece and Latin America


Greek and Roman Literature; Classical Traditions in Colonial Latin America; Greek and Latin Literature; Ancient Political Thought


  • Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, Classics, 2011
  • M.A., University of California, Los Angeles, Classics, 2007
  • A.B., Colgate University, Classics, 2004

Academic Experience

Academic Experience
  • Associate Professor, Tulane University, 2019-
  • Assistant Professor of Classical Studies, Tulane University, 2013-2019
  • Lecturer in Classics, Princeton University, 2012-2013
  • Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics and Humanities, Reed College, 2011-2012
  • Teaching Fellow, University of California, Los Angeles, 2007-2010


  • School of Liberal Arts Book Subvention Grant, Tulane, 2023
  • School of Liberal Arts Faculty Research Award, Tulane, 2022
  • Committee on Research International Travel Grant, Tulane, 2022
  • Loeb Classical Library Foundation Fellowship, 2020-2021
  • NEH Summer Stipend, 2020
  • Lavin Bernick Grant, Tulane University, 2017
  • Lurcy Grant, Tulane University, 2015, 2017
  • Faculty Networking Grant, Tulane University, 2017
  • Loeb Classical Library Foundation Fellowship, 2016-2017
  • Stillman Drake Research Grant, Reed College, 2011
  • Dissertation Fellowship, UCLAS, 2010-2011
  • Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship in Humanistic Studies, 2005-2006


  • Spanish
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Latin

Overseas Experience

  • Paraguay
  • Argentina

Selected Publications

  • 2024. Josep Manuel Peramàs: A Treatise on the Guaraní System of Government in Comparison with Plato’s Republic (1793), edited and translated with introduction and notes. Dumbarton Oaks Texts from the Early Americas, Harvard University Press. Forthcomin
  • 2022. Ancient Knowledge Networks: A Social Geography of Cuneiform Scholarship in First-Millennium Assyria and Babylonia [Review of Ancient Knowledge Networks: A Social Geography of Cuneiform Scholarship in First-Millennium Assyria and Babylonia]. Americ
  • 2020. “Utopia Writes Back: Peramás on the Limits of Republicanism.” Edited by P. Zalamea and F. Rojas. Parnassus in the New World: Classical Traditions in Colonial Spanish America.
  • 2019. “The Greek hymnos: High Praise for Gods and Men,” Classical Quarterly 69.1:167-186
  • 2019. The New Politics of Olympos: Kingship in Kallimachos’ Hymns. Oxford University Press.
  • 2016. “Kallimachos and the Seleukid Apollo,” TAPA 146.1: 61-9
  • 2015. “Making the Hymn: Mesomedean Narrative and the Interpretation of a Genre” in Hymnic Narrative and the Narratology of Greek Hymns. eds. A. Faulkner and O. Hodkinson. Leiden: Brill. 165-182.
  • 2014. “Making the Hymn: Mesomedean Narrative and the Interpretation of a Genre.” In Narrative and Narratology in Greek Hymns. O. Hodkinson and A. Faulkner, eds. Leiden: Brill.

Victoria Bricker

Victoria Bricker

Professor Emerita - Anthropology

School of Liberal Arts
Stone Center Departments
The Stone Center
People Classification
Tulane Affiliation
Emeritus Faculty
  • Central America


Mexico; Anthropology; Mesoamerican Ethnohistory and Linguistics; Epigraphy; Ethnography


  • Ph.D., Harvard University, Anthropology, 1968
  • M.A., Harvard University, Anthropology, 1963
  • B.A., Stanford University, Philosophy and Humanities, 1962

Academic Experience

Academic Experience
  • Professor, Tulane University, 1978-2005
  • Chair, Department of Anthropology, Tulane University, 1988-1991, 2003-2005
  • Associate Professor, Tulane University, 1973-1978
  • Assistant Professor, Tulane University, 1970-1973


  • Elected to membership in American Philosophical Society, 2002
  • Elected to membership in the National Academy of Science, 1991
  • Editorial Board, Middle American Research Institute, 1981-2005
  • Executive Board, American Anthropological Association, 1980-1983


  • Spanish
  • Maya-Tzotzil
  • Maya-Yucatec

Overseas Experience

  • Mexico
  • Belize
  • Guatemala

Selected Publications

  • 2023. Migration and Creation in Aztec and Maya Literature. Peter Lang Publishing.
  • 2020. “A Comparison of Historical Evidence for Droughts in the Pre-Columbian Maya Codices with Climatological Evidence for Droughts during the Early and Late Classic Periods.” With Harvey M. Bricker. Ethnohistory, 67(1), 97–126.
  • 2020. “Lunar Calendars of the Pre-columbian Maya.” With Harvey M. Bricker. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 109(1), iii–233.
  • 2019. “A Historical Grammar of the Maya Language of Yucatan: 1557-2000.” University of Utah Press: Salt Lake City. (in press)
  • 2017. “Calendar Wheels of Colonial Mexico” With Anthony F. Aveni. Del Saber Ha Hecho Su Razon de Ser Homenaje a Alfredo Lopez Austin. 2:11-25. Editors, Eduardo Matos Moctezuma and Angela Ochoa. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Coordinacion de Huma

James Boyden

James Boyden

Associate Professor - History

School of Liberal Arts
Stone Center Departments
The Stone Center
People Classification
Tulane Affiliation
Core Faculty
  • Europe
  • Iberian Peninsula
James Boyden


I am an historian of Spain, with research concentration on the Castilian court and aristocracy in the fifteenth through seventeenth centuries. My monograph, The Courtier and the King: Ruy Gómez de Silva, Philip II, and the Court of Spain (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1995; paperback reissue, 2017), surveyed the life and career of Philip II’s favorite the Prince of Eboli to illuminate the Prudent King’s manner of government, the dynamics and rivalries of his court, and the ambitions of noblemen and their possibilities for social ascent through royal favor. Subsequently I have published shorter works on subjects such as the fall (and afterlife) of the notorious seventeenth-century courtier Rodrigo Calderón, and on suicide in early modern Spain. For several years I have been at work on a book-length study tentatively entitled ‘An Apostle and a Roman’: Aristocracy, Counter-Reformation Piety, and the Cult of Honor in Habsburg Spain, which traces the shifting noble ethos of the period and argues that the characteristic conservative mentality of secular and clerical elites in later periods of Spanish history was largely a legacy of noble self-fashioning in the early modern centuries. My duties at Tulane extend also to regular teaching of medieval and modern Spanish history; I have directed three PhDs and co-directed two others, and have served on examination and dissertation committees of many colonial Latin Americanists as well as Europeanists. Outside of my principal research field, I have published on the Spanish military in the period of the transition to democracy, 1975-1982, and on providential interpretations of Hurricane Katrina.

Additional Info

Recently-Taught Latin American-Related Courses: 

Number of Dissertations or Theses Supervised in the Past 5 Years:



Spain; History; Hapsburg Spain; Renaissance and Reformation; Early Modern Atlantic World


  • B.A., Southern Oregon State College, History, 1977
  • M.A., University of Texas, History, 1982
  • Ph.D., University of Texas, History, 1988

Academic Experience

Academic Experience
  • Associate Professor, Tulane University, 1994-
  • Visiting Associate Professor of History, The University of Texas at Austin, 2000-2001
  • Assistant Professor, Tulane University, 1991-1994
  • Assistant Professor of History, Yale University, 1988-1991


  • School of Liberal Arts Award for Outstanding Teaching, Tulane University, 2011
  • Morse Fellowship, Yale University (declined), 1991-1992
  • Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award, University of Texas, 1988-1989
  • Barnes Lathrop Prize (departmental dissertation prize), University of Texas, 1988-1989
  • Fulbright Fellowship (declined), 1983-1984


  • Spanish
  • Italian
  • Catalán
  • Portuguese
  • French

Overseas Experience

  • Spain

Selected Publications

  • 2014. “‘Wilt thou judge the bloody city? Yea, thou shalt show her all her abominations’: Hurricane Katrina as a Providential Catastrophe,” Edited by Randy Sparks and Romain Huret. Hurricane Katrina in Transatlantic Perspective. Baton Rouge: Louisiana Stat
  • 2013. “The Historian of an Age of Decline, 1963-2013,” in “BSPHS Forum. Golden Anniversaries: Sir John Elliott’s Imperial Spain and The Revolt of the Catalans after Fifty Years,” Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, 38(1): 214-218.
  • 2002. “Honor on the Scaffold in the Spanish Monarchy.” Acta Histriae. 8.
  • 2002. “Renaissance Exploration.” In Encyclopedia of the Renaissance. Paul F. Grendler, editor. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
  • 2000. “The Worst Death Becomes a Good Death: The Passion of Don Rodrigo Calderón.” In The Place of the Dead in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Bruce Gordon and Peter Marshall, eds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • 1999. “Fortune Has Stripped You of Your Splendor: Favourites and Their Fates in Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-Century Spain.” In The World of the Favourite. J. H. Elliott and L. W. B. Brockliss, eds. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • 1995. The Courtier and the King: Ruy Gómez de Silva, Philip II, and the Court of Spain. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Elizabeth Boone

Elizabeth Boone

Professor Emerita-Art History

Newcomb Art Department
School of Liberal Arts
Stone Center Departments
The Stone Center
People Classification
Tulane Affiliation
Core Faculty
  • Europe
  • Mesoamerica
  • South America
Elizabeth Boone


Introduction to the History of Art, Pre-Columbian Art, Colonial Art of Latin America, Aztec Art , Aztec Iconography, Seminar on Mexican Manuscript Painting, Mesoamerican Divinatory Codices, Colonial Art of Latin America, Readings in Semiotics and Visual Theory, Seminar on Images and Meaning, Sixteenth-century Mexico

Additional Info

Number of Dissertations or Theses Supervised in the Past 5 Years: 5


Mexico, Art History, Pre-Columbian Art, Colonial Art of Mexico, Aztecs


  • Ph.D., University of Texas, Art History, 1977
  • M.A., University of Texas, Art History, 1974
  • B.A., College of William and Mary, Fine Arts, 1970

Academic Experience

Academic Experience
  • Professor, Martha and Donald Robertson Chair in Latin American Art, Tulane 1994-
  • Chair, Art Department, Tulane University, 1997-2000, 2008-2011
  • Associate Chair, Art History, Tulane University, 2002-2003, 2005-2006, 2012-2013
  • Research Associate, Middle American Research Institute, Tulane University, 1995-


  • Research Hall of Fame Award, Tulane University, 2021
  • Lifetime Achievement Award, American Society for Ethnohistory, 2019
  • Named Distinguished Scholar, College Art Association, 2019
  • Recipient, H. B. Nicholson Award for Excellence in Mesoamerican Studies, Moses Mesoamerican Archive and Peabody Museum, Harvard University, October 2014
  • Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2012
  • Corresponding Member, Academia Mexicana de la Historia


  • Spanish
  • French
  • Nahuatl
  • German
  • Italian

Overseas Experience

  • Mexico
  • Peru
  • Guatemala

Selected Publications

  • 2023. “Nahua Perspectives and Linguistic Expressions in the Colonial Pictographic Catechisms: The Examples of Counting and Making.” Estudios de Cultura Náhuatl, 2023:153-167.
  • 2023. “Reflections on the Scholarship of Cecelia Ford Klein and on Animal Symbolism in Mesoamerica.” In Animal Symbolism in Postclassic Mesoamerica: Papers in honor of Cecelia Klein, edited by Susan Milbrath and Elizabeth Bacquedano, pp. 23-34. Boulder:
  • 2021. Descendants of Aztec Pictography: The Cultural Encyclopedias of Sixteenth-Century Mexico. Austin: University of Texas Press.
  • 2021 “Spatial Grammars: The Union of Art and Writing in the Painted Books of Aztec Mexico,” Hammer Lecture, UCLA, April 2021.
  • 2019. “Fashioning Conceptual Categories in the Florentine Codex: Old World and Indigenous Foundations for the Rulers and the Gods.” In The Florentine Codex: An Encyclopedia of the Nahua World in Sixteenth Century Mexico, edited by Jeanette Peterson and Ke
  • 2017. “The Pictorial History of Coixtlahuaca’s Lienzo Seler II.” In On the Mount of Intertwined Serpents: The Pictorial History of Power, Rule, and Land on Lienzo Seler II, edited by Viola Kónig. Berlin: Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin:
  • 2017. “Who They Are and What they Wore: Aztec Costumes for European Eyes,” Res: Anthropology and Aesthetics 67/68. Chicago: University of Chicago Press: 316-334.
  • 2017. Boone, Elizabeth Hill, Louise M. Burkhart, and David Eduardo Tavárez. Painted words: Nahua Catholicism, politics, and memory in the Atzaqualco pictorial catechism. Dumbarton Oaks.
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