Events at Tulane
Upcoming Events
Uptown Campus
Newcomb front porche patio Rain location: Language Learning Center, Newcomb B-10 -
Mar26WednesdayAuthoritarianism and the Preservation of Memory in Nicaragua: The Chamorro Barrios Family Papers
Uptown Campus
Howard-Tilton Memorial Library The Latin American Library Gallery -
Mar27ThursdayColonial Encounters: José de Acosta’s Natural History and Tercero cathecismo
Uptown Campus
Howard-Tilton Memorial Library Latin American Library Gallery -
Mar27ThursdayDid this 19th-century photo go viral? The circulation of images about race in Brazil, North America, and Europe
Uptown Campus
Howard-Tilton Memorial Library The Latin American Library Seminar Room, 4th floor -
Mar28FridayTUdo bem!
Uptown Campus
Cassat Courtyard (Jones Hall patio) Rain location: Language Learning Center, Newcomb B-10 -
Mar28FridayBrazilian "modernismos"
Uptown Campus
Howard-Tilton Memorial Library The Latin American Library Gallery -
Mar29SaturdayFamily Day at the New Orleans Book Festival
Uptown Campus
Avron B. Forgelman Arena in Devlin Fieldhouse -
Uptown Campus
Newcomb front porche patio Rain location: Language Learning Center, Newcomb B-10 -
Apr3ThursdayColonial Encounters
Uptown Campus
Howard-Tilton Memorial Library The Latin American Library Gallery -
Apr4FridayBeyond the Retablo: Forgotten Sculpture in Colonial Latin America
Uptown Campus
Greenleaf Conference Room -
Apr4FridayTUdo bem!
Uptown Campus
Cassat Courtyard (Jones Hall patio) Rain location: Language Learning Center, Newcomb B-10 -
Apr4FridayNew Orleans and Latin America
Uptown Campus
Howard-Tilton Memorial Library The Latin American Library Gallery