Faculty Resources

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Funding Opportunities for Faculty

Professional Travel

Faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and librarians conducting research on Latin America may apply for professional travel funding to support the following activities:

  • Presenting research papers at regional, national, or international conferences
  • Serving as officially-designated chairs or panel respondents at a conference
  • Participating in board or committee meetings of recognized professional associations

There are two application phases for Professional Travel:

  • Academic Year Travel (application due October 31): funding to support professional travel from October 1 through June 30.  
  • Summer Travel (application due March 31): funding to support professional travel from July 1 through Sept. 30.

Click here to review Professional Travel Additional Guidelines. Download a copy of the sample application here.  

Apply here for Professional Travel Funding. 


Summer Funding for Fieldwork

The Stone Center provides grants to faculty for fieldwork conducted on Latin America and the Caribbean during the summer months. This grant category encompasses ONLY cost of travel and/or subsistence. Funding applications for any other expenses should be submitted as Special Project Support (see below). 

Subsistence allowances follow the domestic per diem rates provided by the U.S. General Services Administration and foreign per diem rates provided by the U.S. Department of State. Download a sample of the Summer Funding for Fieldwork on-line application here.  

Applications due March 1, 2025. 

Apply here for Summer Funding for Fieldwork (faculty).


Guest Lecture or Performance

The Stone Center provides grants to support individual public guest lectures and performances with significant Latin American content. Priority is given to those events for which there is both programmatic and funding collaboration across multiple departments or units. 

This program is not intended to fund large-scale events with costs greater than $1,000. Faculty seeking support for such events should apply for Special Project Support (see below). 

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis starting July 1 for each fiscal year (July 1- June 30). 

Click here to review Guest Lecture or Performance Additional Guidelines. Download the sample application here.  

Apply here for Guest Lecture or Performance Funding. 


Special Project Support

On occasion, the Center supports special projects not covered under the funding categories outlined above. Categories include:  

  • Materials - the acquisition of unique, out-of-the-ordinary research materials not available through the library but essential to the project (books, maps, images, software, etc.)  
  • Assistance - the service of in-country assistants, consultants, or external laboratories (data collecting, illustration, photography, indexing, scanning, etc.) to advance the faculty member's research 
  • Large-scale or high-cost events** – events with an expected cost of more than $1,000 such as conferences, workshops, symposia, semester-long lecture series, large scale ensemble musical performance, etc. 
  • Other - special projects not covered under the guidelines for faculty Summer Funding for Fieldwork or any other Stone Center grant programs 

Applications are accepted are on a rolling basis starting July 1 for the fiscal year (July 1-June 30).  

Click here to review Special Projects Additional Guidelines. 

Apply here for Special Project Support.


**NOTE: Requests for funding for large-scale or high-costs events are due February 1 for events in the following fiscal year. 


Contact Information

Please contact the Stone Center staff with any questions.