Latin American Resource Center
Latin American Resource Center

As a designated Title VI National Resource Center, The Stone Center for Latin American Studies is committed to expanding knowledge of and engagement with Latin America and the Caribbean. To support this mission, the center provides the K-12 community with educational resources through the Latin American Resource Center (LARC). In order to meet the needs of teachers across grade levels and subject areas, LARC provides the following services:
<h2>A K12 Educator Workshop</h2>

Using Historical Documents to Explore the U.S.-Mexico Border
April 5, 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. | 100A Jones Hall (6801 Freret St.), Tulane University
Join Emily Glankler (historian, educator and founder of Anti- Social Studies) for a practical discussion on how to explore the constantly-evolving boundary between the U.S. and Mexico with students (suggested for grades 6-12.) Participants will receive a unit plan with lessons, resources, and primary source documents spanning the Mexican-American War, Mexican "Repatriation" during the Great Depression, and the "Bracero Program" that grew out of the WWII era. Emily Glankler will guide educators through these resources, providing additional activities and discussions on how best to get students using historical documents (both traditional and more contemporary sources like news and social media) to better understand the complicated history between the U.S. and its neighbor to the south.
The event is free and open to educators of all grade levels
Breakfast, curricular resources, and books will be provided.