Events at Tulane
Upcoming Events
Mar10MondayPolarization and Democracy: Latin America after the Left Turn
Uptown Campus
Jones Hall 100A Greenleaf Conference Room -
Uptown Campus
Newcomb front porche patio Rain location: Language Learning Center, Newcomb B-10 -
Mar14FridayCommunity Recognition and Violence in Peru’s Internal
Uptown Campus
Jones Hall 100A Greenleaf Conference Room -
Mar14FridayTUdo bem!
Uptown Campus
Cassat Courtyard (Jones Hall patio) Rain location: Language Learning Center, Newcomb B-10 -
Mar14FridayKevin Sedeño-Guillén: Placing Enlightened Critique: The Trans-Caribbean Periodical Press, Manuscript Authorship, and Imperial Conflicts between the 18th and 19th Centuries
Uptown Campus
Howard-Tilton Memorial Library Latin American Library Seminar Room, 4th floor -
Mar14FridayAjq'ija' 'Highland Maya spiritual guides: Time, space and the modern celebrations
Uptown Campus
Lake Theater -
Mar14FridayBook Presentation & Conversation: "El dios del silencio"
Uptown Campus
Jones Hall 100A Greenleaf Conference Room -
Mar17MondayEthnoracial Hierarchy and Democratic Citizenship in Latin America
Uptown Campus
Jones Hall 100A Greenleaf Conference Room