Alejandro Kelly-Hopfenblatt

Alejandro Kelly-Hopfenblatt

Zemurray-Stone Post-Doctoral Fellow

Stone Center Departments
The Stone Center
People Classification
Postdoctoral Fellows
Tulane Affiliation
  • General Latin America
  • Latin America
  • South America
  • Southern Cone


I specialize in Argentine and Latin American Film History. My main interests are Classical Cinema, Film Distribution and Exhibition, Film Spectatorship, working with transmedial and transnational perspectives. I am also interested in Digital Humanities and their methodological and theoretical impact on Cultural History projects.

I am the author of Modernidad y teléfonos blancos. La comedia burguesa en el cine argentino de los años ’40 (2019), which examines mainstream comedy and its relation to modernity and social changes in 1940’s Argentina. I am also the co-editor of En la cartelera. Culturas cinematográficas en América Latina, 1896-2020 (upcoming), with Nicolas Poppe, which proposes a renewed cartography of Latin American cinema by centering on film cultures and spectators.

I am currently working on a project that focuses on the Argentine film field during World War II as an arena where both Allies and Axis powers developed soft power strategies that impacted on the material and symbolic development of Argentine cinema.


  • 2016, PhD, Art History and Theory, Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • 2008, BA, Performing Arts, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Selected Publications

  • Kelly Hopfenblatt, A. (2020). “Down Argentine Way: los remakes de películas argentinas en Hollywood en los años cuarenta”. Secuencias. Revista de historia del cine n° 51, first semester, pp. 101- 124.
  • Kelly Hopfenblatt, A. (2020). “Exhibición y distribución de cortometrajes de propaganda de los Estados Unidos en Argentina en los años ’40: el programa de 16mm de la OCIAA”. Nuevo Mundo Mundos Nuevos, October.
  • Kelly Hopfenblatt, A. (2020). “Panorama sobre la situación de los estudios de cine en Argentina a partir del año 2000. In L. Zabala and J. Aristizábal, Los estudios sobre cine en Latinoamérica en el siglo XXI. Bogotá: Editorial Uniagustiniana.

Olivia Cosentino

Olivia Cosentino

Zemurray-Stone Post-Doctoral Fellow

Stone Center Departments
The Stone Center
People Classification
Postdoctoral Fellows
Tulane Affiliation
  • Central America
  • Mesoamerica


I specialize in 20th and 21st century Mexican and Latin American Film and Cultural Studies.

I am currently at work on a monograph, Starscapes: Youth, Modernity, and Media in Mexico, which traces the emotional and affective mediations of popular Mexican youth stars alongside processes of modernization and the changing media landscape in Mexico from 1950-1996.

I am also the co-editor of The Lost Cinema of Mexico, with Brian Price, a volume that redefines scholarly conversations on post-Golden Age Mexican film studies.


  • 2020, PhD, Spanish (Latin American Cultural & Literary Studies), The Ohio State University
  • 2017, Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization, Film Studies, The Ohio State University
  • 2016, MA, Spanish (Latin American Literatures & Cultures), The Ohio State University
  • 2014, BA, Latin American Studies & Spanish, Summa Cum Laude, Washington University in St. Loui


  • Best Graduate Student Essay Award (2019-2020), LASA Film Studies Section, for “Haunted Bodies: Spectrality, Gender Violence and the Central American Female Migrant in Recent Mexican Cinema
  • Graduate Associate Teaching Award, The Graduate School, Ohio State, university-wide “highest recognition of the exceptional teaching provided by graduate students”, 2019


  • Spanish 4
  • Portuguese 2
  • French 2

Overseas Experience

  • Mexico

Selected Publications

  • “Writing from the Gut: Embodied Spectatorship and Violence in Contemporary Mexican Cinema.” Special Dossier: New approaches to Mexican cinema, ed. Adela Pineda Franco, Studies in Spanish and Latin American Cinemas vol. 18, no. 3, 2021, pp. 365-76.
  • “Slower Cinema: Violence, Affect, and Spectatorship in Las elegidas.” Journal of Cinema and Media Studies 60, no. 3, Spring 2021, pp. 58-78.
  • “Haunted Bodies: Spectrality, Gender Violence and the Central American Female Migrant in Recent Mexican Cinema.” iMex Revista, año 8, no. 16, 2019, pp. 41-54.
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