The Center for Inter-American Policy and Research

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Focusing on policy issues important to Latin America and Inter-American relations

The Center for Inter-American Policy and Research (CIPR) is devoted to inter-hemispheric exchanges that will advance the production and dissemination of knowledge about critical policy issues facing the Americas as well as the deepening of academic research in these areas. Its aim is to stimulate contact between scholars and decision-makers working on the region at different locations and in different languages, enriching their production by enabling the confluence of multiple perspectives.

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The Stone Center

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The Roger Thayer Stone
Center for Latin American Studies

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Latin American Studies at Tulane
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A comprehensive program with faculty in almost every region and discipline essential to understanding Latin America

The Stone Center administers interdisciplinary B.A., M.A, and Ph.D. programs in which students may put together curricular selected from several departments or professional schools. Many students have found that such a program gives them flexibility and better access to the full resources of the university than can be had within the confines of a single department. The Center hosts a wide range of conferences, symposia, film series, and other activities. It also coordinates a number of the university's many research and study programs in Latin America.

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Stares at human while pushing stuff off a table weigh eight pounds but take up a full-size bedpushes butt to face yet behind the couch. 

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