The LAST 100: Elizabeth Boone In Profile

The Stone Center for Latin American Studies is pleased to release the second video from the collection, The LAST 100: In Profile, featuring Elizabeth Hill Boone, Ph.D.  

Elizabeth Boone, a specialist in the Precolumbian and early colonial art of Latin America, with an emphasis on Mexico, taught art history at Tulane from 1995 to 2021. She held the Martha and Donald Robertson Chair in Latin American Art and was a M.A.R.I. Research Associate. Dr. Boone is an internationally recognized scholar and a big influence on Tulane’s Latin Americanist community. She was awarded Mexico’s Order of the Aztec Eagle in 1990 (Mexico’s highest decoration awarded to non-citizens), the College Art Association’s Distinguished Scholar for 2019, and a Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Society for Ethnohistory in 2019. She also received the Research Hall of Fame Award from Tulane University in 2021. Watch her profile below to learn more about Elizabeth Boone and her legacy.  

On Friday, April 5th, and Saturday, April 6th, 2024, the Stone Center for Latin American Studies and the Newcomb Art Department are hosting a conference in honor of Elizabeth Boone. Featuring the work of her students who received their Ph.D. at Tulane, the two-day gathering celebrates Professor Boone's important and enduring legacy in the field of art history. You can learn more about this event here


The LAST 100 is among the robust slate of projects and events to celebrate our growth over the past century. We have digitized, assembled, and created documentation of this history with a particular focus starting in the 1940s with the creation of the academic programs on Latin America. The resulting website and digital collection will be publicly released over the summer. More than fifty In Profile videos will appear on this site alongside multi-media stories that integrate long-form video and audio interviews, historic documents and images, data visualizations, and new perspectives on these histories.   

In the meantime, we're offering a sneak peek into the voices and memories of The LAST 100 community. Follow the Stone Center on social media or subscribe to the newsletter to stay tuned.