New Orleans has the fourth largest stateside Garífuna community in the United States. This historical, economic, and geographical connection to Central America is vital to better understanding the local New Orleans community as well as to better understand the diversity of Latin America. This K-16 educator workshop will feature perspectives from local Garifuna leaders, Teresa Rochez and Soad Martinez-Rochez and explore the unique history and culture using the film, Anichugu: Our Garifuna Story. This film is the latest from Banda Ancha Productions. Tulane alumna and visual historian, Sarah Borealis will share her work and provide hands-on strategies for incorporating this film into the K-12 classroom. Participants of this hands-on workshop will increase their understanding of local Garifuna history and culture as well as learn about new teaching resources to be implemented into their classroom. Pre-certification students and K-16 educators of all subject areas are welcome.