Celebrating a Quarter Century of Latin American Art at Tulane: A Conference in Honor of Elizabeth Boone | 100 Years of Tulane and Latin America

Uptown Campus
Greenleaf Conference Room
Other location info
100A Jones Hall, 100A Jones Hall, ,
Celebrating a Quarter Century of Latin American Art at Tulane: A Conference in Honor of Elizabeth Boone | 100  Years of Tulane and Latin America illustration

On Friday, April 5th, and Saturday, April 6th, 2024, Tulane University’s Stone Center for Latin American Studies and the Newcomb Art Department are hosting a conference in honor of Elizabeth Boone. Featuring the work of her students who received their Ph.D. at Tulane, the two-day gathering celebrates Professor Boone's important and enduring legacy in the field of art history. 


Find the program and registration form here! Registration closes on Monday, March 25, 2024.