Stone Center Events

Join the Spanish and Portuguese Department for a weekly Portuguese language meet-up! All language levels are welcome and participants will have the opportunity to engage in informal conversation. New mousse desserts will also be provided every week…
Join us for the 69th annual SALALM Conference!   This international meeting gathers librarians, archivists, scholars, students, book/information professionals, and book dealers interested in collecting, preserving, and providing access to academic…
Ms. Ellis-Topsey has advocated for the centering of women and families in sustainable development. She will discuss her work with the Maya community and her participation in the El Pilar Project with Dr. Anibal Ford.
Join the Spanish and Portuguese Department for a weekly Spanish language meet-up! Participants will have the opportunity to engage in Spanish conversation with other individuals. Cookies and coffee will also be provided for those who attend!  …
The TU annual Black History Month poetry reading of Navio Negreiro by Castro Alves will return this year as a Global Café event. Navio Negreiro by Castro Alves is a classic piece by Brazilian abolitionist Castro Alves describing the middle passage. …
Prof. Angela Alonso draws on her latest book, “Treze: a política de ruas de Lula a Dilma” (Companhia das Letras, 2023) to address two critical aspects within social movement literature: the dynamics between the state and social movements, and the…
The story of three lost boxes known as the Mexican Suitcase that were recovered in 2007. The boxes, misplaced in the chaos at the start of WWII, contained many of the Spanish Civil War negatives by the legendary photographer Robert Capa and fellow…
About the Latin American Writers Series:This series brings together Latin America's most representative creative voices and the editorial entrepreneurs who publish them. The guests will shed light on a literary world shaped by the contemporary…
Join the Spanish and Portuguese Department for a weekly Spanish language meet-up! Participants will have the opportunity to engage in Spanish conversation with other individuals. Snacks and coffee will also be provided for those who attend! 
The electronic music moniker of New Orleans based African American producer and percussionist Otura Mun, ÌFÉ is a futuristic live electronic music project blending elements of Afro-Cuban folklore and Yoruban religious music with the bass driven…