Stone Center Events

The International Food and Music Festival is a tradition for Tulane University and the surrounding New Orleans community. It is not possible without the participation of the international community at Tulane. We need your help to represent your…
The Internal Ear: Caetano Veloso's take on bossa nova with Pedro Meira Monteiro Pedro Meira Monteiro is the Arthur W. Marks 19 Professor os Spanish and Portuguese at Princeton University, chair of the Spanish and Portuguese department and co-…
Talk by Cuban film producer Claudia Calviño A conversation with independent Cuban producer Claudia Calviño (Havana, 1983), producer of the award-winning film Santa y Andrés, which premiered at the 2016 Toronto Film Festival and 2017 San Sebastian…
Illicit Traders on New Granada’s Caribbean Coast during the Long Sixteenth Century A talk by Dr. Christian Cwik (University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad & Tobago) This talk examines the early contraband slave trade to New Granada…
Marielle Presente e Futuro: An Artistic Tribute to Marielle Franco An evening of music and poetry to honor the assassinated Afro-Brazilian human rights activist, Marielle Franco. Special music performances by Leyla McCalla and Michaela Harrison.…
Film Screening of Santa y Andrés, directed by Carlos Lechuga A world away from bustling Havana, Santa y Andrés is set in the rolling hills of Cuba‘s easternmost province, Oriente, in 1983. Santa is a 30-year-old rural worker of a state farm and a…
Tulane University’s second annual Conference on Linguistics will be held in the Qatar Ballroom in the Lavin-Bernick Center, from 9:00 AM until 2:00 PM. Come hear some of the interesting linguistics research happening at Tulane University, with a…
The Middle American Research Institute is happy to announce the tenth talk of the 2017-2018 Brown Bag talk series. Erlend Johnson, PhD Candidate in the Department of Anthropology, will present on his research in a talk titled Interpreting the…
The Tulane Anthropology Student Association and the Graduate Studies Student Association are proud to welcome Dr. José R Oliver, Senior Researcher with the Institute of Archaeology at University College London to present on his research for the 2017…
Bate Papo! Drop by the LBC mezzanine floor for a slice of manioc sponge cake. We will be spread out across the green couches so come by to take a load off and chat for a bit. This event is sponsored by TULASO and the Stone Center for Latin American…