Stone Center Events

Tulane Undergraduate Latin American Studies Organization (TULASO) and the Tulane Debate Team are proud to present a debate on the recent political crisis in Venezuela on Tuesday, February 26th at 8:00 PM in Jones 102. Professor David Smilde, the…
Join the Center for Inter-American Policy and Research and the Stone Center for Latin American Studies in welcoming Dr. Sara Niedzwieckia as part of the spring speaker series Critical Issues in Democratic Governance, on Friday, February 22, in 110A…
This spring, join the Africana Studies Program, the Stone Center for Latin American Studies, Departments of Spanish & Portuguese, the Latin American Library, the Howard-Tilton Memorial Library at Tulane University in collaboration with The…
Join the Environmental Studies Program and the School of Liberal Arts at Tulane University in welcoming Daniel Renfrew, West Virginia University, who will giving a talk titled Life without Lead: Contamination, Crisis, and Hope in Uruguay on Thursday…
Join the Environmental Studies Program and the School of Liberal Arts at Tulane University in welcoming Daniel Renfrew, West Virginia University, who will giving a talk titled Life without Lead: Contamination, Crisis, and Hope in Uruguay on Thursday…
Join the Art History Graduate Association at Tulane University in welcoming Aaron M. Hyman who will present his research in a talk titled Colonial Cuzco’s Aesthetic of Sameness on Monday, February 18, at 6:00 PM. Aaron M. Hyman, assistant professor…
Join the Art History Graduate Association at Tulane University in welcoming Aaron M. Hyman who will present his research in a talk titled Colonial Cuzco’s Aesthetic of Sameness on Monday, February 18, at 6:00 PM. Aaron M. Hyman, assistant professor…
The New Orleans Film Society, in collaboration with the Cuban and Caribbean Studies Institute and Stone Center for Latin American Studies, is proud to announce the premiere of the documentary Out of Chaos: An Artist’s Journey in Haiti (Sorti du…
Please join us next Friday, February 15 for a symposium:Populism: Latin America in Comparative Perspective This event will take place from 10am to 4:30 pm in the Greenleaf Conference Room, 100A Jones Hall RSVP to Please feel free to…
The City, Culture, and Community (CCC) Annual Graduate Symposium will be held on February 15, 2019. The 2019 symposium, VOICES: Visibility, Orientation, Identity, Creativity, Environment, Spaces, seeks to understand creative approaches to how…