Stone Center Events

Join Tulane students and study abroad partners from Colombia, Brazil, and the Netherlands for a moderated discussion on how to rebuild tourism and study abroad in a more sustainable way.  
Unfortunately, this event has been canceled due to unforeseen circumstances. 
Please join us as we celebrate the 2020 Américas Award books in a virtual award ceremony and an online book talk with award winner, Mitali Perkins.  *October 5, 2020 at 6 PM CST* Book Talk with Author Mitali Perkins: Between Us and Abuela Join the…
Landa's "Alphabet" is one of the best known items in Maya studies. A testimony of the collision of cultures and a stockpile of misunderstandings, the "Alphabet" has been labeled everything from a Spanish fabrication to a "Rosetta Stone." While we…
Join us on Thursday, October 1st for this informal discussion to learn more about the "Latin American Resource Center":https://stonecenter.dd/pages/detail/11/Latin-American-Resource-Center- and the long history of community engagement offered…
Please join us on Friday, Sept 25 at 2pm via Zoom for the first speaker in our Fall Speaker Series: Citizenship and Politics: The Changing Nature of Parties, Participation, and Linkages.  Professor Michael Touchton:…
Dr. Alan McPherson will be dicussing his book "Ghosts of Sheridan Circle": in this Zoom talk sponsored by the Stone Center for Latin American Studies and the "Department of History":…
The "Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS)": at Columbia University is hosting a free webinar on Wednesday afternoon (registration required at the link below).  During the webinar, Nora Lustig (Tulane's Samuel Z. Stone…
Stone Center Masters student, Lilian Lombera has been working on this project and it is ready to launch. Check out the launch of the new documentary & a tribute to *Silvio Rodriguez y el Poder de La Palabra!* Exclusive (free!) livestream…
Learn more about the Cuban and Caribbean Institute’s flagship study abroad program. Summer in Cuba is open to Tulane and non-Tulane undergraduate students from all years and majors. Plus, public Health majors have a unique opportunity to earn…