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Why Marronage Still Matters: Lecture with Dr. Neil Roberts


Why Marronage Still Matters: Lecture with Dr. Neil Roberts

Uptown Campus

Featuring Dr. Neil Roberts

Dr. Neil Roberts speaking at podium

What is the opposite of freedom? Dr. Neil Roberts answers this question with definitive force: slavery, and from there he unveils powerful new insights on the human condition as it has been understood between these poles. Crucial to his investigation is the concept ofmarronage‘€“a form of slave escape that was an important aspect of Caribbean and Latin American slave systems. Roberts examines the liminal and transitional space of slave escape to develop a theory of freedom as marronage, which contends that freedom is fundamentally located within this space.In this lecture, Roberts will explore how what he calls the “post-Western” concept and practice of marronage ‘of flight' bears on our world today.

This event is sponsored by the Kathryn B. Gore Chair in French Studies, Department of French and Italian. For more information contact Ryan Joyce at rjoyce1@tulane.edu or Fayçal Falaky at ffalaky@tulane.edu