Virtual Summer Teacher Institute Concludes

Last week (June 8 – 12, 2020) over 70 K-12 educators logged in online from across the country for our annual summer teacher institute, “Central America; People & the Environment” hosted this year by the Latin American Caribbean Studies Institute at the University of Georgia and co-sponsored by the Stone Center for Latin American Studies and the Center for Latin American Studies at Vanderbilt University. This year, educators engaged with hands-on pedagogy activities to learn to incorporate the content into their own classrooms. The pedagogy sessions were designed and implemented by the Center for Latino Achievement and Success in Education at the University of Georgia. Every day, 60-75 dedicated educators engaged with the content presentations and curriculum strategies, and worked together in virtual breakout rooms to develop new ideas and materials for classroom use. Many had JUST finished their school year and then spent the week with us on Zoom!

Interested in joining us next year when it will be hosted by Tulane University? More event information will be posted this fall.