Valerie Paz-Soldán
Associate Professor - Global Community Health and Behavioral Sciences
Director - Health Office for Latin America
School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine
Stone Center Departments
The Stone Center
People Classification
Tulane Affiliation
Core Faculty
- Africa
- South America

Additional Info
Number of Dissertations or Theses Supervised in the Past 5 Years:
Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Communicable Diseases, Dengue, Maternal and Child Health, Population, Reproductive Behavior, Public Health Research and Service in Latin America, Peru, Africa, human behavioral aspects associated to transmission and prevention of vector-borne and zoonotic diseases
- B.A., Stanford, Psychology, 1992
- M.P.H., San Jose State, Community Health Education, 1996
- Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Maternal and Child Health, 2003
Academic Experience
Academic Experience
- Associate Professor, Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, 2016-
- Associated Researcher, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru, 2009-
- Research Assistant Professor, International Health & Development Department, Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine (SPHTM), 2004-2016
- Special Assistant to Dean on Latin American Affairs, Tulane SPHTM, 2003-2004
- Special Assistant to Dean on Latin American Affairs, Tulane SPHTM, 2003
- Instructor, School of Public Health, Univ. of North Carolina, 2003
- Investigator, NIH/NCI, 2016-2021
- Investigator, NIH/NIAID, 2014-2019
- Investigator, NIH/NICHD, 2014-2019
- Investigator, Department of Defense/ Department of Threat Reduction, 2013-2015
- Investigator, NIH/ Fogarty International Center, 2012-2017
- Investigator, Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research, 2012-2017
- Fellow, Center for Evidence Based Global Health, Tulane University SPHTM, 2005
- Carolina Population Center Pre-doctorate Traineeships, UNC-Chapel Hill, 2001, 2002
- Mellon Fund Grant, Malawi, 2002
- Population Policy Communication Fellowship, Population Reference Bureau, Washington, D.C., 2001
- Mellon Assistantship in Latin American Studies, UNC-Chapel Hill, 1999
- Spanish
Overseas Experience
- Peru
- Malawi
Selected Publications
- 2017. With Castillo-Neyra R, Zegarra A, Monroy Y, Bernedo RF, Cornejo-Rosello I, Levy MZ. Spatial association of canine rabies outbreak and urban corridors in Arequipa, Peru. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease.
- 2017. With Castillo-Neyra R, Brown J, Borrini K, Arevalo C, Levy MZ, Buttenheim A, Hunter GC, Becerra V, Behrman JR. Barriers to Dog Rabies Vaccination During an Urban Rabies Outbreak: Qualitative Findings from Arequipa, Peru. PLOS NTDs.
- 2016. With Yukich J, Soonthorndhada A, Giron M, Apperson CS, Ponnusamy L, Schal C, Morrison AC, Wesson DM. Design and testing of novel lethal ovitrap to reduce populations of Aedes mosquitoes: community based participatory research between industry, acade
- 2016. With Salmon-Mulanovich G, Powell AR, Hartinger SM, Schwarz L, Bausch DG. Community perceptions of health and rodent-borne diseases along the interoceanic highway in Madre de Dios, Peru. BMC Public Health, 16(755).
- 2016. With Bauer K, Hunter GC, Castillo-Neyra R, Arriola VD, Rivera-Lanas D, Rodriguez GH, Toledo Vizcarra AM, Mollesaca Riveros LM, Levy MZ, Buttenheim AM. To spray or not to spray? Understanding participation in an Indoor Residual Spray campaign in Areq
- 2016. With Cordova Lopez JJ, Bauer K, Izumi K, Morrison AC, Scott TW, Elder JP, McCall PJ, Alexander N, Halsey ES, Lenhart A. Factors associated with correct and consistent insecticide treated curtain use in Iquitos, Peru. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases
- 2015. With Morrison AC, Cordova Lopez JJ, Lenhart A, Scott TW, Elder JP, Sihuincha M, Kochel TJ, Halsey ES, Astete H, McCall PJ. Dengue knowledge and preventive practices in Iquitos, Peru. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 93(6): 1330-133
- 2015. With Anticona Huaynate CF, Pajuelo MJ, Correa M, Mayta H, Oberhelman RA, Zimic M, Gilman RH, Murphy LL. Diagnostic barriers and innovations in rural areas: insights from junior medical doctors on the frontlines of rural care in Peru. BMC Health Serv
- 2014. With Alban RE, Dimos Jones C, Powell AR, Oberhelman RA. Patient reported delays in seeking treatment for tuberculosis among adult and pediatric TB patients and TB patients co-infected with HIV in Lima, Peru: A Qualitative Study. Frontiers in Public
- 2014. With LaCon G, Morrison AC, Astete H, Stoddard ST, Elder JP, Halsey ES, Scott TW, Kitron U, Vazquez-Prokopec GM. Shifting patterns of Aedes aegypti fine scale spatial clustering in Iquitos, Peru. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 8(8).
- 2013.With Reiner RC, Morrison AC, Stoddard ST, Kitron U, Scott TW, Elder J, Halsey ES, Kochel T, Astete H, Vasquez-Prokopec GM. Strengths and weaknesses of Global Positioning System (GPS) data-loggers and semi-structured interviews for capturing fine-scal
- 2013. With Buttenheim AM, Barbu C, Skovira C, Quintanilla Calderón J, Mollesaca Riveros LM, Cornejo JO, Small DS, Bicchieri C, Naquira C, Levy MZ. Is participation contagious? Evidence from a household vector control campaign in urban Peru. Journal of Epi
- 2013. With R, Dimos C, Oberhelman. The provision and need of social support among adult and pediatric patients with tuberculosis in Lima, Peru: a qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research, 13(290).
- 2012. With Bayer AM, Nussbaum L, and Cabrera L. ‘Structural barriers to screenings for and treatment of cervical cancer in Peru.‘ Reproductive Health Matters 20(40): 50-59.
- 2011. With Bayer A, Nussbaum L, and Cabrera L. ‘Are missed opportunities for health education on Pap smears frequent in Peru?‘ Health Education and Behavior 38(2): 198-209.
- 2010. With Lee FH., et al. “Knowledge and Attitudes of Adult Peruvian Women vis-a-vis Human Papillomavirus (HPV), Cervical Cancer, and the HPV Vaccine.” Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease. 14 (2): 113-117.
- 2009. With Gálvez-Buccollini JA, et al. “Sexual behavior and drug consumption among young adults in a shantytown in Lima, Peru.” BMC Public Health. 9 (23):
- 2009. With Vazquez-Prokopec GM, et al “Usefulness of commercially available GPS data-loggers for tracking human movement and exposure to dengue virus. “ International Journal of Health Geography. 8: 68.
- 2009. With Stoddard ST, et al. “The role of human movement in the transmission of vector-borne pathogens.” PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 3 (7): e481.
- 2008. With Oswald WE, et al. “Direct observation of hygiene in a Peruvian shantytown: Not enough hand washing and too little water.” Tropical Medicine and International Health. 13 (11): 1421-1428.