From Tulane New Wave: Students from Lithic Analysis course examine artifacts from Middle American Research Institute collection

This story originally appeared on the Tulane New Wave News entitled, School Rocks, on March 14, 2018. Story by New Wave staff member Photo by Paula Burch-Celentano (

Students in a Lithic Analysis course in the Tulane School of Liberal Arts analyze stone tools to learn about the types of materials used by people in past civilizations.

Mose Blauner, a Tulane senior majoring in anthropology, measures a stone tool from the Middle American Research Institute collection during a Lithic Analysis course taught by Rachel Horowitz, visiting assistant professor in the Tulane Department of Anthropology.

Tiffany Masson, a graduate student studying anthropology, weighs a stone tool from the MARI collection. This is one of many activities students take on as part of the laboratory course that deals with the technological analysis of lithic artifacts, meaning those with stone components.