Teaching Cuba: Shifting Perspectives and the Global Landscape

Inspired by the Latin American Resource Center’s 2015 and 2016 Summer Teacher Institutes, Cuban Culture and Society: K-12 Teacher Institute in Cuba, these curricula examine the history, culture, and geography of Cuba. These curricula were created at a point of transition in Cuba, as the U.S. and Cuba begin to normalize relations which have been disrupted since the 1950s. This important point in time is an excellent vantage from which to re-examine Cuban history, culture, and U.S.-Cuban interactions. These interdisciplinary resources are adaptable across the K-12 classroom.

Audio Podcast

Unedited audio interview with Norma Guillard.

Pinterest Resources

Teaching Cuba Board


  • Introduction
  • Elementary Grade Level
  • Middle School Level
  • High School Social Studies
  • High School Spanish
  • Additional Resources
  • Contributors