Summer Tinker Grant Graduate Exposition

Graduate Students who worked on Latin America and who received summer research funding through the Stone Center over the past two summers presented on how they used their grants to support their research and program goals at a day-long Symposium.

See the YouTube here.

The schedule was as follows:

--Panel I: Ecological Studies in Ecuador--


  • Katie Rompf, “Seed Dispersal by the White-Bearded Manakin (Manacus manacus) in the Chocó Biogeographic Region of Northwestern Ecuador”
  • Luke Anderson, “Linking Resource Distributions to Male Mating Success in a Lekking Bird”
  • Juliana Gilson, “The Effects of Landscape Disruption on Biodiversity of Neotropical Bats in Northwestern Ecuador 
  • Tanner Mazanec, “Amphibian and Reptile Distribution Pattens for Controlled Impacts Study”
  • Kat Perkins, “Differences in Prevalence of Batrachochytrium Dendrobatidis between Different Habitats and Anuran Species”

Q&A 9:35 - 9:50 AM

-- Panel II: Sociocultural Environments --


  • Tara Yanez, “Participatory Action Research: Aguablanca Women Share Attitudes On Security, Access To Justice, Violence, And Social Mobilization In The Periphery Of Cali, Colombia”
  • Alex Lopez, “Mapping the (De)Colonial Public Symbolic Environment in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico”
  • Elena Vanasse Torres, “Primero Secaron los Ríos: Mapping Other Worlds on Isla Vieques, Puerto Rico”
  • Ruben Morales Fortes, “Beyond the National Curriculum 2.0, Didactical Gamification, A Progress Report”
  • Rosie Click, “Exploratory Literature Review of Modern Tourism Studies”
  • Liat Perlin, “Social Drivers of Deforestation in NW Ecuador”

Q&A 11:05 – 11:20 AM

-- Panel III: Identity and Culture --

11:30 AM – 12:50 PM

  • Camilo Gonzalez Santos, “Representations of Elderly People and Aging in the Yucatán Mayan Culture”
  • Terell Jones, “Lived Experience of Afro-Mexicans in Veracruz, Mexico”
  • Catherine Sckerl, “Vernacular Placemaking in El Bajío, Mexico”
  • Allison Scribe, “Social Media, Fandom, and Online Communities in Guatemala”
  • Natalia Ospina García, “Portuguese Studies”
  • Sedrick Miles, “Transnationalism through Community Driven Archives in Northeast Brazil”

Q&A 12:35 – 12:50 PM

-- Panel IV: Art, Music, and Performance --

1:30 – 2:45 PM

  • Carolina Timóteo, “Meninos de Minas: An Online Ethnomusicological Investigation of Afro-Mineiridade”
  • Michael Bromberg, “Improvising Paisa Identity: An Initial Foray into the Culture of the Trova Antioqueña”
  • Jamie Sauerbier, “Model Minority Myth: Manga and Racial Relations in Brazil”
  • Darianna Videaux Capitel, “Exploring the Haitian Roots of Cuban Music: Some Necessary Stops Along the Way”
  • María Eva Báez, “Aesthetics, Popular Communication, and Human Rights in Flyers and Pamphlets from Argentina”
  • Catie Prechtel, “Research Developments for Wrestling with Masculinities: Exploring the Intersections of Gender, Sexuality, and Nationalism Among Exóticos in Mexican Lucha Libre.”

Q&A 2:30 – 2:45 PM

-- Panel V: History and Politics --

3:00 – 4:20 PM

  • Raúl Alencar, “Trespassing the Spanish Lake: French Commercial Networks in Colonial Peru and Asia (1700-1720)”
  • Khrystyne Tschinkel, “The Biological and Cultural Impacts of European Colonialism in Early Colonial Peru: A Bioarchaeological Study of a Late Pre-Contact and Circum-Contact Period Cemetery in Northern Coastal Peru”
  • Maria Pautassi, “The Caribbean at an Arm's Length (A Tulane online exhibition simulating the 1901 Underwood & Underwood Stereographic tour of Puerto Rico)”
  • Catie Nuckols-Wilde, “Maya Full-Figure Inscriptions at Quirigua: Initial Investigations into Iconicity, Figuration, and Authorship”
  • Bárbara França, “Mapping the Visual Representation of Drug Use in Early and Mid-20th Century Mexico”
  • Martin Mejia, “Still populism?: Interviews with the Latin American political representation experts”

Q&A 4:05 – 4:20 PM