Study Abroad teaches you more than how to conjugate

Study Abroad teaches you more than how to conjugate

In the case of Danny Finley ’18, it taught him how to make tapioca, a common street food in Brazil. Says Danny: “Tapioca was a great snack and meal, whether after class for the bus ride home from my university or at home when I had forgotten to go to the grocery store or market that day.” On Friday, March 16, Danny took over the Greenbaum house demo kitchen to lead a gathering of Portuguese speakers in his newfound culinary art form. This event was a special edition “bate papo,”: a weekly event hosted by the Portuguese program. But Danny notes that he learned far more from his study abroad than how to whip up a quick meal; his semester abroad at the Pontífica Universidad Católica in Rio de Janeiro gave him the confidence to communicate across cultural and linguistic barriers and find a home in a new city. An Altman scholar, Danny hopes to work in the policy realm focusing on international relations, government transfer programs, and tax law in his future career. Ultimately, his experience in Brazil taught him that “the solutions to our world’s problems come from bringing unique perspectives together through discussion. Whether through the classroom, food, or travel, my time in Brazil allowed me to make new friends, expand my academic experience, and immerse myself in Brazilian culture.” A big thanks to Danny and Prof. Megwen Loveless for organizing this event and feeding our appetites!

For more information on the PORTulane Community and how you can get involved, contact Prof. Megwen Loveless at