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Stone Center's Online Info Session on Graduate Programs

Are you interested in a graduate degree in Latin American Studies? The Stone Center will hold an online information session on its programs on Wednesday, December 13, at 6:00 pm CT. Everyone is welcome to attend. 

Join the Online Info Session

Zoom link: https://bit.ly/3RwXJgL  |  Meeting ID: 927 4722 4472  |  Passcode: 065558


Apply to one of the premier programs in Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Offering graduate programs at the Masters' and Doctoral levels, the Stone Center for Latin American Studies curriculum design depends on the applicant's research interests. While all qualified applicants are invited to apply, the Stone Center's program has developed significant faculty strengths in the following areas: Economics, Politics & Society; Arts, Media, Culture & Politics; Brazilian Studies; and Cuban and Caribbean Studies. In addition to the interdisciplinary MA and PhD programs in Latin American Studies, the Stone Center also collaborates across campus to offer joint professional degree programs with Tulane Law School (MA/JD) and the Freeman School of Business (MA/MBA). The Stone Center also offers a dual PhD degree in Latin American Studies and Art History.

Although the graduate student cohorts are small and selective, all admitted students are awarded fellowships that include a full tuition scholarship, a modest living stipend, and opportunities to apply for funding to attend professional academic conferences and conduct
summer field research. 

The application deadline for the next academic year is January 10, 2024.

Apply to the Stone Center