Professor David Smilde co-authors Washington Post article on the U.S. State Department's Venezuela plan

Professor David Smilde, Charles A. and Leo M. Favrot Professor of Human Relations at Tulane University, and Abraham F. Lowenthan, professor emeritus at the University of Southern California, offer their insights on current U.S.-Venezuela relations in the April 14th Washington Post opinion piece, “Despite contradictions, State Department’s Venezuela plan is a step in the right direction”. Weighing in on three major initiatives that the U.S. government has announced regarding Venezuela within the week of March 26th – April 1st, they contend that while these distinct measures appear to be contradictory in nature, they collectively signal progress toward international consensus and the possibility of successful governmental transition in Venezuela.

Prior to this article, Professor Smilde has also shared his reflections on developing U.S.-Venezuela relations with The Guardian, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, and Background Briefing.