This post-doctoral program invites applications for research fellowships for the 2024-2025 Academic Year. Applications are encouraged from candidates engaged in scholarly or creative work in areas that the Stone Center defines as critical for advancing the strategic needs of its Latin Americanist community. These areas of expertise will necessarily change from year to year, but they will be stated at the time each new application process is opened.
Fellows are expected to pursue their own research and to participate in the full intellectual life of the Center. Fellows will be selected based on intellectual merit, experience, and the potential impact of their planned research for the Stone Center. Prior to appointment, the Executive Director of the Stone Center and the Zemurray-Stone Postdoctoral Fellow will prepare an Individual Development Plan that defines the scope of work for the Fellow. Appointments are made for an academic year, but individuals may apply for reappointment for a second year.
The application process for the Zemurray-Stone Postdoctoral Fellowship program is managed through Interfolio. Notices of the Fellowships competition are posted in the fall with an application deadline in the Spring. Successful candidates are notified in the Spring, following academic confirmation that their degrees will be conferred before the commencement of their appointments for the period July 1 to June 30. For more information on previous searches, please click here.