PORTraits: Carolina Timoteo de Oliveira (Portuguese at Tulane Video Series)

Our PORTraits interview series is back in action for the spring semester!

The PORTulane community is a vibrant collection of people that have diverse trajectories in the language and culture of the lusophone world. Join us weekly as we share a 2-minute video featuring one of the members of our community.

Carolina Timóteo de Oliveira is a Ph.D. student in Latin American Studies at Tulane. Originally from Belo Horizonte in Minas Gerais, Brazil, she came to Tulane in Fall 2019 to pursue her research on identities, therapeutic resources, and empowerment strategies within the Afro-LGBT+ population in her hometown.

Special thanks to Frida Melgar for her support in this project.

Check out our interview with Carolina here: Video Link