Stone Center Faculty Honored at the Liberal Arts Faculty and Staff Awards

Original story from the School of Liberal Arts


Felix Rioja, Cowen Chair in Latin American Social Sciences and Professor at the Department of Economics, was awarded the April Brayfield Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award



Felix Rioja is an esteemed Economics professor who teaches four courses on macroeconomics and developing countries' economies. His dedication to teaching is evident in his outstanding student evaluations, with an average rating of 4.8 out of 5 for his introductory macroeconomics course. Students praise Rioja for his ability to break down complex concepts, his genuine care for their learning, and his personal investment in their success. He goes above and beyond by knowing each student by name and meeting with them individually for lunch every semester. Rioja's teaching style creates an engaging and interactive classroom environment, incorporating real-world examples that resonate with his students. 




Ana Ochoa Gautier, Chair and Professor for the Department of Music and core faculty at the Stone Center, was awarded the Outstanding Faculty Service Award



Ana Ochoa Gautier has demonstrated exemplary leadership by spearheading the development of a new curriculum for a BFA and MFA that effectively encompasses the intricacies and unique aspects of various performance subfields. She has been instrumental in championing the inclusion of Black American Music and Creativity and Technology Music studies. Ochoa Gautier has also collaborated with other departments, including SLAM, Native and Indigenous Studies, and Theater and Dance, in their hiring efforts. Her commitment to diversity in academia and the de-Westernization of curricular canons is unwavering. Additionally, Ochoa Gautier has played a vital role in mentoring junior faculty during their tenure review process and actively serves on the MA Exam Committee in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, as well as the Global & Experimental Humanities committee.