Nicolás de la Cerda
Post-Doctoral Fellow- Center for Inter-American Policy and Research
Stone Center Departments
People Classification
Postdoctoral Fellows

Political Psychology, Comparative Politics, Comparative Political Psychology, Latin American Politics, Public Opinion, Party Politics
- Ph.D., The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Political Science, 2024.
- M.A., The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Political Science, 2020.
- B.A., Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile, Sociology,2016
Academic Experience
Academic Experience
- Post Doctoral Fellow, Tulane University, 2024-
- Research Assistant, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2019-2024
- Instructor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2021
- Instructor, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, 2015-2018
- Uhlman Fellow, UNC Department of Political Science ($3,275), 2023.
- MPSA Graduate Student Travel Scholarship ($500), 2023.
- James W. Prothro Award for Outstanding Research, Best Graduate Student Paper, UNC Department of Political Science, 2022.
- Carolina Latinx Center Innovation Award, UNC Carolina Latinx Center, 2022.
- Mellon Dissertation Award, UNC Institute for the Study of the Americas ($3,000), 2022.
- Summer Research Fellowship, UNC Department of Political Science ($3,000), 2022.
- Thomas F. Ferdinand Summer Research Fellowship, UNC Graduate School ($5,000), 2022.
- Summer Research Collaboratory Program, UNC Department of Political Science ($5,000), 2021.
- Graduate Research Award, UNC Institute for the Study of the Americas ($1,500), 2020.
- Uhlman Fellow, UNC Department of Political Science ($2,250), 2020.
- Pre-dissertation Field Research Grant, UNC Institute for the Study of the Americas ($1,500) [Cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic].
- John Frechione award support for lodging, Latin American Social and Public Policy Conference (LASPP) [Cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic].
- Spanish
Overseas Experience
- Chile
- Argentina
- Peru
Selected Publications
- 2024. de la Cerda, Nicolás, Jonathan Hartlyn, and Cecilia Martínez-Gallardo. “Ideological and Populist Bases of Partisan Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Latin America”. Journal of Politics in Latin America. 16(2), 252- 271.
- 2024. de la Cerda, Nicolás and Jacob Gunderson.“Are Party Families in Europe Ideologically Coherent Today?”. European Journal of Political Research. 63(3), 1208–1226.
- 2023. Martínez-Gallardo, Cecilia, Nicolás de la Cerda, et al., “Revisiting Party System Structuration in Latin America and Europe: Economic and Socio-Cultural Dimensions”. Party Politics. 29(4), 780-792.
- 2022. de la Cerda, Nicolás and Cecilia Martínez-Gallardo. “Mexico: A Politically Effective Populist Pandemic Response”. Book chapter in Populists and the Pandemic... Lucio Renno and Nils Ringe, eds. Routledge.
- 2022. de la Cerda, Nicolás. “Unstable Identities: The Decline of Partisanship in Contemporary Chile.” Journal of Politics in Latin America. 14(1), 3-30.
- 2019. Bargsted, Matías and Nicolás de la Cerda. 2019. “Ideological Preferences and Evolution of the Religious Cleavage in Chile, 1998–2014.” Latin American Research Review. 54(2), 348–365.
- 2013. Nicolás de la Cerda et al., “Participación ciudadana en las elecciones municipales 2012: diagnóstico y propuestas en torno al sistema de voto voluntario...” In Propuestas para Chile, chapter 1, pages 23–50.