Media Packets

The following media packets have been developed by the LARC to remedy the lack of commercially-available resources in specific subject-matter area. Each packet contains a teacher’s guide, suggested readings, and classroom activities as well as the specified number of images or audio files.

All media packets are now freely available for download. 


Contemporary artists: Images of works by ten internationally known contemporary artists. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Pre-Columbian Art: Ceramics from Precolumbian peoples in Argentina. Ceramics pictured here are from the Condorhuasi Culture in the Catamarca region. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Teatro Colon: The Teatro Colon, of Colon Theater was commissioned by the National Congress of Argentina in 1887 and completed by 1908. The building was built in the French Renaissance style. 10 images. Image descriptions.


Local Plants: Local plants from Barbados. 10 images. Image descriptions.


Agriculture: Images of agriculture in Bolivia, particularly showing terracing which helps grow cops on slopes. 10 images. Image descriptions.

The Christian Base Communities of La Paz, Bolivia: Poor people in Latin America are creating a new kind of socio-religious system called a Christian Base Community, or CEB. Members of the CEB group together to discuss the relationship of Christian teachings to their social reality. The packet emphasizes the situations the poor face and the ways in which CEB try to meet these challenges. 30 images.

Cities in the Altiplano: Images of cities in the highland areas of Bolivia and Peru. 40 images. Image descriptions.

Life around Lake Titicaca: Images of the altiplano region of Bolivia and Peru showing what life is like. 10 images. Image descriptions.

People from the Altiplano: Images of people living in the Altiplano, or high plain, of Bolivia. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Rubber in the Amazon Basin: Rubber is an item from which clothing, household goods, medical and industrial supplies, and other items are produced. These images show examples of rubber plantations in the Bolivian Amazon. 10 Images. Image descriptions.

Tiwanaku: Images of the important Middle Horizon site of Tiwanaku, Bolivia. 10 images. Image descriptions.


Brasilia, Modern Architecture: Brasilia was built and planned to be the capital of Brazil. The city was laid out and built to accommodate up to half a million people. The images in this packet show some of the modern architecture from the city. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Brazilian Amazon: Images of the Amazon and people living in the Amazon in Brazil. 12 images. Image descriptions.

Contemporary Artists: Works by ten internationally known contemporary Brazilian artists. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Favelas of Rio de Janeiro: Favelas, or squatters settlements, are a housing alternative for the poor of Brazil. This packet emphasizes who the inhabitants are, misconceptions concerning the residents, their jobs, favela construction, and the social support networks within the settlements. 28 images. Image Packet
Curriculum Guide

Brazilian Baroque: Religious Objects of the 17th and 18th Centuries: Baroque art is well known in Europe but not as well known in its Latin American manifestations. These images show Baroque religious art from Brazil. 30 images. In three parts. Part I Part II Part III

Japanese-Brazilian Painters: The Japanese population of Brazil is second only to that of Japan itself. This group of Japanese-Brazilian artist is is known as SEIBI and had their first exhibition in 1938. This packet shows the works of various artists. 20 images. Image descriptions.

O Aleijadinho: Images of sculptures by this famous Brazilian artist from the Colonial Period. Focuses on his religious art, particularly sculptures of Prophets. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Rubber and Sugar: Images of agriculture in Brazil with a focus on the large farms of sugar and rubber. 10 Images. Image descriptions.


Roberto “Matta” Echaurreu: Roberto Matta Echaurreu was born in Santiago, Chile in 1912. He is a well known artist who was part of the Surrealist movement and the development of American abstract expressionism. These images include some of his surrealist paintings. 10 images. Image descriptions.


Barichara: This small Colombian village is characterized by Spanish Mediterranean style architecture. Images show the city’s architectural charm. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Cartagena, A Historic Fortress City: A series of images of the historic port city of Cartagena. Images show the city and surrounding fort area. 20 images. Image descriptions.

Colombia: Colonial Paintings: A mixture of colonial art from Colombia from both the Santa Fe School and other areas around Colombia. 20 images Image descriptions.

Contemporary Artists: Works by 10 internationally known, contemporary, Colombian artists. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Flowers of Colombia: Images of some of the wide variety of flowers and plants which grow in Colombia. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Popayán, Colombia: These images of Popayán show typical Spanish Colonial architecture in Colombia. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Pre-Columbian Art: Images of ceramics and figures created by the Chibcha, or Muisca, culture, the Tumaco culture, and the Quimbaya culture. 30 images. Image descriptions.

San Agustin: Pre-Columbian sculptures from the site of San Agustin. Little is known about the San Agustin culture but the site features earthen mounds, large temples, tombs, and large sculptures. These images feature some of the site’s sculptures. 30 images. Image descriptions.

The Ticunas, Native Artists of the Amazon: These images are of the Ticunas, an indigenous group of peoples who live in small communities along the Amazon River and live from fishing and agriculture. The images include examples of daily life among the Ticunas and their indigenous crafts. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Costa Rica

Huetar Culture: The Huetar culture is a Pre-Columbian culture found in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Panama. This slide packet contains images of items produced by the Huetar culture, focusing mostly on large objects made of limestone. 10 images. Image descriptions.


Art of Amelia Pelaez: Amelia Pelaez was one of Cuba’s most beloved painters and one of the most important woman artists of Latin America. An early member of the modern movement, Pelaez brought together the new lessons of Cubism and the traditions of the past in her powerful work. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Contemporary Cuban Paintings: Images of works by 24 different Cuban artists. 24 images. Image descriptions.

Cuban Education: Images of the Cuban education system. 12 images. Image descriptions.

Life in Contemporary Cuba (1990): In 1959, Fidel Castro and his fellow revolutionaries triumphantly paraded through downtown Havana, thereby dramatically changing the Latin American political climate. This image packet discusses Cuban history and contemporary life under the revolutionary government. 32 images. Image Packet
Curriculum Guide

Wilredo Lam, Artist from Cuba: Wilredo Lam is a Cuban artist of mixed African, Indian, and European origin. He was greatly influenced by the Surrealist movement and visits to Europe, including during the Spanish Civil War. 20 images. Image descriptions.

Dominican Republic

Contemporary Artists: Images from ten contemporary artists from the Dominican Republic. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Museo de las casas reales: Description of the museo de las casas reales in Santo Domingo. Images of architecture and historical interest. 10 images. Image descriptions.


Caspicara: The Great Sculptor from Quito, Ecuador: Images of the works of Caspicara, an Ecuadorean sculptor focused on religious works. 30 images. Image descriptions.

Colonial Art: Images of Ecuadorian Colonial art. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Galapagos Islands: Images of wildlife on the Galapagos. 10 images. Image descriptions

Handicrafts: Images of handicrafts made in Ecuador. Shows the combination of Colonial and Pre-Columbian influences. 12 images. Image descriptions.

Pre-Columbian Art: Pre-Columbian art from Ecuador. These images span all periods of the Pre-Columbian Ecuadorian past from early hunter-gatherers to the Inca. 70 images. Image descriptions.

Pre-Columbian Art from the Museum of the Central Bank: Various images of Pre-Columbian art from Ecuador. These items are found in the Museum of the Central Bank. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Shrunken Heads: The Jivaros, an indigenous Amazonian group, are known for making shrunken heads. These are trophy heads made with the heads of defeated enemies. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Quito: Images of Quito, Ecuador. Quito is the third oldest city in the western hemisphere after Mexico City and Cusco. Images include colonial architecture and the surrounding environment. 10 images. Image descriptions.

El Salvador

Julio Sequeira: Images of the work of Julio Sequeira. Sequeira was a self taught artist who was influenced by the life and art of El Salvador. 10 Images. Image descriptions.


Colonial Architecture of Antigua, Guatemala: Antigua is the original capital of Guatemala. This legacy is preserved in the colonial architecture in the city. 20 Images. Image descriptions

Scenes of Guatemala: Images of Guatemala focusing on indigenous peoples residing in the highlands. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Guatemala City: General views of Guatemala City. 8 images. Image descriptions.

Lake Atitlan: Views of Lake Atitlan, in highland Guatemala. 10 images. Image descriptions.

The Republic of Guatemala: Images of different areas of Guatemala including Guatemala city, the highland areas, and prominent archaeological sites. 40 images. Image descriptions.


Folk Art: Haitian folk art is a mix of many influences. It has many African roots as well as European and Latin American influences. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Haiti: Mardi Gras: Images of Mardi Gras Celebrations in Haiti. From the Art Museum of the Americas. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Haitian Murals: Murals from the Cathedral in Port-au-Prince. 10 Images. Image descriptions.


Jose Antonio Velasquez: Jose Antonio Velasquez was a folk artist from Honduras. While he had no classical artistic training, Velasquez was passionate about his painting career. 20 images. Image descriptions.


Joseph Bartholomew Kid: Images of the work of Jamaican artist Joseph Bartholomew Kid. 10 images. Image descriptions.


Cathedral of Mexico City: Images of the Cathedral located in downtown Mexico City. 10 images image descriptions

Colonial Art of the 16th Centuries: Images of early Mexican Colonial architecture. The art shows a fusion of Spanish and Indigenous characteristics. 40 images. Image descriptions.

Colonial Art of the 17th and 18th Centuries: Images of the Baroque and Churrigueresque styles in the 18th and 18th centuries of Mexico. These images show the changes from European architectural styles to adapt to the Mexican climate and threat of earthquakes. 40 images. Image descriptions.

Colonial Housing: In Latin America, people live in may different types of houses depending on the available building materails, climate, outside influences, and economic prosperity of the region. View some examples of Mexican Colonial architecture. 20 images. Image descriptions.

Colonial Mexican Society: Life in Mexico’s colonial period (1519-1824) was diversified, complex, and in a constant state of evolution. This packet places particular emphasis on socio-economic issues such as silver mining, the trans-Atlantic trade, the rise of large landed estates, labor systems, etc. 27 images. Image Packet
Curriculum Guide

Colonial Paintings: A series of 20 slides depicting colonial paintings from Mexico. 20 images. Image descriptions

Day of the Dead: The Day of the Dead is a Mexican holiday which takes place on November 2 and commemorates the death of relatives and friends while serving as a fascinating and lively celebration for the living. This packet discusses both the European and indigenous influences in the festival rituals. 20 images. Image Packet
Curriculum Guide

Diego Rivera: Images of frescos by Diego Rivera. These frescoes are from the Ministry of Education, the Chapel of the National Agricultural School at Chapingo, and the National Palace in Mexico City. 40 images. Image descriptions

Etchings by Jose Luis Cuevas: Jose Luis Cuevas is a prestigious Mexican artist. He is most famous for his etchings. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Frida Kahlo: Images from Frida Kahlo, a prominent early 20th century Mexican artist. 9 images. Image descriptions.

Jose Clemente Orozco: Jose Clemente Orozco is a prominent Mexican muralist. His subjects included his experience with the Mexican Revolution. 20 images. Image descriptions.

Jose Clemente Orozco, Paintings and Frescoes: A series of murals and paintings by Jose Clemente Orozco. 20 images. Image descriptions.

Mesoamerican Survey: This set of images contains images of the artifacts and major sites of the non-Maya peoples of pre-Columbian Mexico. 100 images. Image descriptions.

Mexican Muralists: A collection of images of murals by Mexican muralists from the 20th Century. Includes works by Camarena, Castellanos, Helguera, Herran, Morado, Murillo, Nishizawa, O’Gorman, Orozco, Rivera, Siquieros, and Tamayo. 50 images. Image descriptions.

Mexican Indigenous and Colonial Houses: These images provide information about housing in Mexico. The focus is on indigenous houses and the influence of European style architecture from the Colonial period on these houses. 10 images. In two parts. Part I Part II

Modern Architecture in Mexico City: Images of modern buildings throughout Mexico City. 40 Images. Image descriptions.

Modern Architecture in University City, Mexico City: Images of the University area in Mexico City, home of UNAM, the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. 40 images. Image descriptions.

Monte Alban: These images show the architecture and artifacts from Monte Alban, a Zapotec site in Oaxaca. The occupation of Monte Alban spans from the Preclassic to the Postclassic. 69 images. Image descriptions

The Olmec: These images show sculptures and other artifacts created by the Olmec peoples of the Gulf Coast area of Mexico. 75 Images. Accompanying guide to the images explains each image and provides background surrounding the Olmec.

Popular Paintings: Images of popular tourist themes from Mexico. Includes the Virgen de Guadalupe and a discussion of how she came into being. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Rufino Tamayo: Rufino Tamayo, a painter from Oaxaca, Mexico, is of Zapotec heritage. He trained as a painter in the Bellas Artes in Mexico City and taught and worked in both Mexico City and New York City. 30 images. Image descriptions.

Tarascan Sculpture: These images show sculpture created by the Tarascan peoples of western Mexico. Includes images of Tarascan ceramics and clay figurines. Organization of American States. 10 images. In two parts. Part I Part II

Teotihuacan: Images of the site of Teotihuacan. Teotihuacan was a major settlement during the Classic period in Central Mexico, near modern day Mexico City. 90 images. Image descriptions.

Teotihuacan Murals: These images show examples of the mural art from Teotihuacan. Teotihuacan was a major settlement during the Classic period in Central Mexico, near modern day Mexico City. Mural art is abundant throughout Teotihuacan and these images show some of the best examples. Organization of American States. 14 images. Three parts. Part I Part II Part III

Teotihuacan and Tenochtitlan:A series of images from Teotihuacan and Aztec period sites including Tenochtitlan. These images provide an excellent overview of sites and architecture in Central Mexico during the Classic and Post-Classic periods. 40 slides. In 6 parts. Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI

Totonac Civilization: These images come from Veracruz, Mexico, the home of the Totonac civilization. The Totonac are known for their clay figurines and ceremonial ballgame attire, which are depicted in these images. Produced by the Organization of American States. 20 images. In three parts. Part I Part II Part III

Tula: These images are from Tula, Hidalgo, Mexico. Tula is a large Postclassic site known for its architecture and sculptural traditions. 60 Images. Image descriptions.

Carnival in Veracruz: The Mexican port city of Veracruz is famous for its tropical ambience, marimba rhythms, and unique cuisine. The city is also the site of Mexico’s largest and most spectacular celebration of carnival. This packet highlights the history and traditions of the renowned festival. 20 images. Image Packet
Curriculum Guide

Zapotec and Mixtec Art in the Valley of Oaxaca: Monte Alban and Mitla: Images of the sites of Monte Alban and Mitla in the Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico. 41 images. Image descriptions.


Primitive Artists of Nicaragua: Images of the primitive art movement in Nicaragua. 20 images. Image descriptions.


Quiet Beauty of South Americas Heartland: Paraguay, a landlocked nation in the center of South America, has a unique history. It is particularly interesting for its ethnic make-up- a large portion of which is descended from the indigenous Guarana­ and continues to speak their native language. This packet highlights Paraguayan history, geography, and contemporary urban and rural life. 32 images. Image Packet
Curriculum Guide


Camelid Weavings: Domesticated llamas and alpacas, both camelids, were excellent sources of wool in highland Peru. Pre-columbian peoples made weavings of these wools. Images of modern and ancient weavings. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Colonial Art of Peru: Images of Colonial Art throughout Peru. The combination of indigenous and Spanish artistic traditions is seen in these Colonial era images. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Cuzco: Colonial Art: Images of Colonial Art in Cuzco. Shows the combination of Spanish, Inca, and Mestizo influence on Colonial Art in Peru. 10 images. Image descriptions

Environment of the Andes: Landscapes of the Andes. 40 images. Image descriptions.

Fernando de Szyszlo: Fernando de Szyszlo was an abstract artist from Peru. He was the first abstract painter in Peru when abstract painting was not well regarded. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Peru: Museum of Anthropology of Lima: Images from the Museum of Anthropology in Lima, Peru. Focuses on pre-Columbian ceramic vessels in the collection. Organization of American States. 10 images. Uploaded in 2 parts due to the size of the file. Part I Part II

Early Peruvian Textiles: Images illustrating the textile culture in pre-Columbian Peru. The textiles are examples of those made of cotton, maguey, and camelid-fiber wool. Organization of the American States. 10 images. Uploaded in 2 parts. Part I Part II

Piedra de Huamanga Figures: Colonial period religious objects made from Alabaster in the Ayacucho region of Peru. 20 images. Image descriptions.

Weavings: Images of indigenous peoples weaving and the types of textiles they wove. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Puerto Rico

Colonial Architecture: The Arsenal and Convent of Saint Thomas Aquinas: Images of the Arsenal and the Convent of St. Thomas Aquinas, both Colonial Era constructions from San Juan. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Colors in the Street: Images of the Colonial houses in Old San Juan. Shows the vibrant colors and Colonial heritage of the city. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Francisco Oller: Images of paintings by Francisco Oller, a Puerto Rican artist. He is one of the greatest Puerto Rican painters of the 19th century. 80 images. Image descriptions.

Luis Hernandez Cruz: Luis Hernandez Cruz is a Puerto Rican abstract artist. He was influenced by his studies in New York City and the environment and life of Puerto Rico. 10 images. Image descriptions.


Joaquin Torres Garcia: Joaquin Torres Garcia, an Uruguayan painter, was a pioneer of Constructivism. 20 images. Image descriptions.

Pedro Figari: Images of paintings by Pedro Figari, Uruguayan painter. 10 images. Image descriptions.


Carracas, Venezuela: Modern art within Carracas, Venezuela. The images here show examples of kinetic art throughout Carracas. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Contemporary Venezuelan Sculptors: Images from 10 contemporary Venezuelan sculptors. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Delta Solar: Delta Solar is a monumental sculpture by Venezuelan artist Alejandro Otero. The sculpture is outside the Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Guajiro Indians: The Guajiro Indians inhabit the arid Guajira Peninsula in Northwest Venezuela. These images show scenes of daily life among the Guajiro. 9 images. Image descriptions.

Guajiro Tapestries: Images of tapestries created by the indigenous Guajiros. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Hector Poleo: Hector Poleo is a Venezuelan artist. Poleo studied at the School of Fine ARts in Caracas and was also influenced by visits to Mexico and the United States. He was influenced by the surrealist movement. 20 Images. Image descriptions.

Jesus Soto: Jesus Soto is a Venezuelan artist. He was one of the forerunners of the kinetic movement and influenced by Cubism. He studied in Venezuela and Paris. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Reveron: Venezuelan Painter: Armando Reveron is a well-known Venezuelan painter. He studied art in New York City, Caracas, and Valencia. These images span different periods of Reveron’s painting career. 30 images. Image descriptions.

Venezuelan Journey: Venezuela, one of the longest continuing democracies in Latin America, is a nation rich in geographic and cultural diversity. This slide packet follows the author on a trip through Venezuela and includes information regarding the nation’s history, geography, and socio-economic status in Latin America today. 20 images plus map transparency. Image Packet. Curriculum Guide.

Venezuelan Pre-Columbian Art A guide to pre-Columbian art from Venezuela. Images from the Museum of Modern Art of Latin America. Packet assembled by the Organization of American States. 10 images. Guide

General Latin America

African Heritage of Latin America: View images from around Latin America showing the African influence on Latin American culture. 10 Images. Image descriptions.

Contemporary Artists: Images from ten internationally known Latin American artists from countries including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela. 10 images. Image descriptions.

More Contemporary Artists: Images from internationally known Latin American artists from Colombia, Chile, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Developing World: Images of development around the world. 18 Images. Image descriptions.

Economic Issues: Images of economic issues from around the world. 24 images Image descriptions.

Education: Images of children’s education from around the world. 18 images. Image descriptions.

Farming: Images from subsistence farmers around the world. 24 images Image descriptions.

Fishing: Images from fishers around the world. 12 images Image descriptions.

Francisco Zuniga: Works of Francisco Zuniga, an artist from Costa Rica who lived for many years in Mexico City. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Health: Images of health care around the world. 12 images Image descriptions.

Images from the Museum of the Americas, Madrid, Spain: Images and accompanying descriptions of artifacts from around Latin America. Images span from the Pre-Columbian to the Colonial Period. 100 images. Image descriptions.

Industry: Images from industry around the world. 24 images Image descriptions

Latin American Art: Art from 20th Century Latin American Artists. Art from countries including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, Uruguay, and Venezuela. 25 images. Image descriptions.

Latin American Engravers: Images from a series of artists who specialized in engravings. Includes artists from Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Chile, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela. 10 images. Image descriptions.

Latin American Visual Arts Today: Images and an accompanying description and lesson plans to inform students about modern Latin American Art. Images Information

Latin American Women Artists: Works of art by a series of women artists from Argentina, Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. 20 images. Image descriptions.

Towns and Cities: Images of towns and cities around the world. 24 images Image descriptions.

Transportation and Communication: Images of transportation around the world. 12 images. Image descriptions

Water: Images of water use around the world. 12 images. Image descriptions.