Marcello Canuto
Director - Middle American Research Institute
Professor - Anthropology
School of Liberal Arts
Stone Center Departments
The Stone Center
People Classification
Tulane Affiliation
Core Faculty
- Africa
- Asia
- Mesoamerica
- South America

Additional Info
Recently-Taught Latin American-Related Courses:
- ANTH-2360-01: Ancient Trade and Commerce
- ANTH-4410-01: Olmec & Maya Civilizations
- ANTH-7095-01: The Archaeology of Daily Life
- ANTH-7410-01: Prehistory East Mesoamerica
Number of Dissertations or Theses Supervised in the Past 5 Years:
Archaeological theory, Mesoamerican prehistory, Development of Socio-political complexity, Remote sensing analysis
- A.B., Harvard University, Anthropology, 1991
- Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Anthropology, 2002
Academic Experience
Academic Experience
- Associate Professor, Tulane University, 2009-
- Assistant Professor, Yale University, 2002-2009
- Lecturer, Yale University, 2001-2002
- Lecturer, University of Massachusetts, 2000-2001
- Field Instructor, Harvard Archaeological Field School, Honduras, 1997-2000
- Research Grant, The Development of the Regional Political System among the Maya. Alphawood Foundation, 2016-2019
- General Preservation Assessment of Ancient Egyptian Collection. National Endowment for the Humanities, Preservation Assistance Grants for Smaller Institutions, 2016
- Certificate of Recognition, Office of the Mayor, City of New Orleans, 2016
- Research and Development Grant, Political Centralizaiton in Classic Maya Society, Louisiana Board of Regents, 2015-2018
- Traditional Enhancement Grant, Louisiana Board of Regents, 2015
- Research Grant, Selz Foundation, 2015
- National Geographic Society Grant, 2005, 2009, 2014
- Selz Foundation Grant, 2012-2013
- Honorary Citizen of Guatemala City, Office of the Mayor of Guatemala City, Guatemala, 2012
- The Seaver Institute Grant, 2008-2010
- Reed Foundation Research Grant, 2007
- National Science Foundation Grant, 2004
- Heinz Foundation Grant, 2004
- Spanish
- Italian
- French
- Portuguese
Overseas Experience
- Honduras
- Mexico
- Guatemala
- Bolivia
- India
Selected Publications
- 2016. “Impacts of Climate Change on the Collapse of Lowland Maya Civilization.” With Tomás Barrientos Q. Manuscript accepted by Annual Reviews in Earth and Planetary Sciences.
- 2015. “Drought, agricultural adaptation and sociopolitical collapse in the Maya Lowlands.” With Douglas, Peter, Arthur A. Demarest, Mark Brenner. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(18):5607:5612
- 2015. “Preliminary Notes on Two Recently Discovered Inscriptions from La Corona, Guatemala.” Maya Decipherment.
- 2014. “Epitaph for a Maya Lord.” With Stuart, David, Tomás Barrientos Q. and Maxime Lamoureux St-Hillaire. Arts Quarterly, (Fall):8-9.
- 2013. “Archaeological Investigations in the El Paraíso valley: the Role of Secondary Centers in the Multiethnic Landscape of Classic Period Copan” With Douglas, Peter, Mark Pagani, Mark Brenner, David A. Hodell, Timothy I. Eglinton, and Jason H. Curtis. A
- 2012. “Community.” With Jason Yaeger. In Oxford Handbook on Mesoamerican Archaeology. D.L. Nichols and C.A. Pool, eds. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- 2011. “Before the Classic in the Southeastern Area: Issues of Organizational and Ethnic Diversity in the Copan Region, western Honduras.” With R. J. Sharer and E. E. Bell. In The Southern Maya in the Late Preclassic. N Kaplan and M Love, eds. Boulder: Uni
- 2009. “Proyecto Regional Arqueológico La Corona: Objetivos generales y resultados preliminares de las investigaciones en el “Sitio Q”.” With Tomas Barrientos Q. In XXII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala. Juan P. Laporte, et al., eds.
- 2009. “Middle Preclassic Maya Society: Quixotic Tilting at Windmills or Giants of Civilization?” In Early Maya States. Robert J. Sharer and Loa P. Traxler, eds. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
- 2008. “The Ties that Bind: Administrative Strategies in the El Paraíso Valley, Department of Copan, Honduras.” With Ellen E. Bell. Mexicon. 30 (1): 10-20.
- 2004. Understanding Early Classic Copan. Editor, with Ellen E. Bell and Robert J. Sharer. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.