Linnette F. Reed
Senior Professor of Practice Emerita - Spanish & Portuguese
School of Liberal Arts
Stone Center Departments
The Stone Center
People Classification
Tulane Affiliation
Emeritus Faculty
- Iberian Peninsula

Additional Info
Recently-Taught Latin American-Related Courses:
Spanish Golden Age Literature; Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Peninsular Literature, Hispanic Civilization and Culture
- M.A., Universidad de Salamanca, History, Art History and Geography, 1980
- M.A., Texas A & M University, Spanish, 1985
- Ph.D., Tulane University, Spanish, 1996
Academic Experience
Academic Experience
- Senior Professor of Practice of Spanish, Tulane University, 2018-
- Professor of Practice, Tulane University, 2006-2018
- Visiting Professor Lecturer, Amherst College, 2005-2006
- Professor, Southern University at New Orleans, 1999-2006
- Visiting Assistant Professor, Tulane University, 1996-1999
- Visiting Assistant Professor, Loyola University, 1996
- LEQSF Louisiana Board of Regents Enhancing Grant, 2001
- Stoll Foundation Endowed Scholars Committee Award, 2007, 2008, 2016
- Spanish
- French
- Portuguese
- German
- Latin
Selected Publications
- Forthcoming, The Hispanic Reader. New Haven: Yale University Press.
- 2006. “Protofeminismo erótico-culinario en La Lozana Andaluza.” In Edad de Oro Cantabrigense. Actas del VII Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Siglo de Oro. Anthony Close, ed. Madrid: Iberoamericana Editorial Vervuert.
- 2005. “¿Quién te hizo puta?: el vino y la fruta: El cuerpo como comida en La Lozana Andaluza.” Palimsepto. 4.
- 2004. “Humor carnavalesco y erótico en La Lozana Andaluza.” In Humor Across the Ages: Essays on Luso-Hispanic Humor. Paul Seaver, ed. New York: The Edwin Mellen Press. 53-61.
- 2004. “Protofeminismo, erotismo y comida en La Lozana Andaluza de Francisco Delicado.” Scripta Humanistica. Potomac: Maryland.
- 2003. “Identidad sexual femenina a través de la comida: Como agua para chocolate y La Lozana Andaluza.” As faces de Eva. Centro de estudos sobre a mulher da universidade de Lisboa. 9: 106-117.