Latin American Studies Students Honored at Stone Center's Annual Reception
Congratulations to the Class of 2024!
On Wednesday, May 15, the Stone Center for Latin American Studies honored graduating Latin American Studies students in the Annual Graduation Reception. Students were joined by family, friends, faculty, and Stone Center staff to toast this milestone and future endeavors.
Senior students were given the Stone Center’s signature Latin American Studies estolas (stoles). This year, the design of the estolas depicts a puma. The puma, Koj in Kaqchikel, is an ancestral guardian for the Xenakoj community, revered for its courage and strength and was selected to represent the students' bravery, strength, and entrepreneurial spirit as they strive to achieve their goals.
Meet our Spring 2024 Graduates
Bachelor of Arts in Latin American Studies
Minor in Latin American Studies

Master of Art in Latin American Studies
PhD in Latin American Studies
PhD in Latin American Studies and Art History