LAST 2020 Senior Profile: Torsten Blue

Looking back at his time at Tulane as a double major in Political Science and Latin American Studies, Torsten Blue counts many of his experiences with the Stone Center amongst his highlights. Through the Summer in Cuba program, he had the rare opportunity to study at the University of Havana in 2018, adding Cuba to his long list of Latin American travel destinations, spanning from Tijuana to Patagonia. He regards writing and presenting his LAST Capstone project, entitled “The Effect of Colombia’s Illicit Economy on FARC Ideology,” as one his biggest accomplishments at Tulane. The topic of his research has been a subject of fascination for Torsten and his family throughout his entire life. He is the third of six siblings and grew up in a multi-lingual environment.

Torsten has been awarded a commission into the US Navy as an Ensign and looks forward to serving his country in this capacity. Later in life, he hopes to work in the private sector and live in Latin America. He shares the following advice for future LAST majors: “Never let anyone tell you it’s not possible. Do what interests you and you will be surprised with what you can manage and where it will take you.”