LAST 2020 Senior Profile: Griffin Smith

Graduating with degrees in Neuroscience and Latin American Studies, Griffin Smith not only succeeded in completing two very distinct majors, but also found ways to intertwine and connect these two areas of study throughout his time at Tulane. He regards participating in the TUSCLA conference as a major milestone in his academic career, as it was his first opportunity to present research to professors and peers, and prepared him well for subsequent presentations throughout his time as an undergraduate student. Alongside his coursework, Griffin worked with members of the local Latinx community, including refugees residing in New Orleans, by volunteering with ESL programs. He valued getting to know these individuals, learning more about their needs, and what Tulane students can do to meet them. Griffin plans to go to medical school, and hopes to serve Latinx populations as a doctor, either in the U.S. or abroad.

While finishing the semester in isolation has been challenging, and it’s upsetting that four years of hard work has to end without being able to celebrate in New Orleans, Griffin maintains that it’s important for him and his classmates to stay positive and be proud of what they’ve accomplished. He is grateful for being able to spend this time with my family and his pet squirrel named Sandy, who he rescued after she fell out of her nest during a hurricane 12 years ago. His advice for future LAST students includes not being afraid to explore new subjects or to take courses outside of one’s their comfort zone. Furthermore, he encourages Tulane undergraduates to get as involved with the New Orleans community as possible. He states, “It’s important to give back, and as Tulane students we have so many opportunities to make a positive difference within the city.”