Laila Hlass
Associate Professor - School of Law
Associate Provost for International Affairs
School of Law
Stone Center Departments
The Stone Center
People Classification
Tulane Affiliation
Affiliated Faculty
- General Latin America

Law, Immigration, Education Advocacy, Social Justice, Gulf South, Asylum and Refugee Law, Rights of Undocumented Workers and Students
- L.L.M., Georgetown University Law, 2014
- J.D., Columbia Law School, 2006
- B.A., Rice University, 2001
Academic Experience
Academic Experience
- Professor of Practice and Director of Experiential Learning, Tulane University School of Law, 2017-
- Clinical Associate Professor and Director, Boston University School of Law, 2014-2016
- Teaching Fellow, Georgetown University Law Center, 2012-2014
- Consultant, Columbia Law School, 2012-
- Staff Attorney, Loyola University New Orleans, 2008-2012
- Louisiana Effective Leadership Program Fellowship, Duke University, 2009-2010
- Fellowship, Louisiana Bar Foundation
Selected Publications
- - 2023. Studying the Hazy Line Between Procedure and Substance in Immigrant Detention Litigation, 58.HARV. C.R.-C.L. L. REV. 203 (2023) (with Mary Yanik) (Bellow Scholar project).
- - 2023. The Double Exclusion of Immigrant Youth, 111 GEO. L. J. ___ (forthcoming 2023) (with Rachel Leya Davidson and Austin Kocher)
- - 2022. Lawyering from a Deportation Abolition Ethic, 110 CAL. L. REV. 1597 (2022)The Racial Justice Imperative to Reimagine Immigrant Children's Rights, 71 AM. U. L. REV. 1779 (2022) (with Dalia Castillo-Granados, Rachel Davidson, & Rebecca Scholtz)
- - 2021. Critical Interviewing, Utah L. R. (2021) (with Lindsay M. Harris).
- - 2020. Assessing the Experiential (R)evolution, 65 Vill. L. Rev 713 (2020) (with Allison Korn).
- - 2020. The Adultification of Migrant Children, 34 Geo. Immigr. L. Rev. 199 (2020).
- - 2018. Priya Baskaran, Laila Hlass, Sarah Sherman-Stokes & Allison Korn, Experiential Learning through Popular Multi-Media, in Teaching Law with Popular Culture (Christine Corcos ed., Carolina Academic Press 2018).
- - 2018. The School to Deportation Pipeline, 34 Ga. St. U. L. Rev. 697 (2018).
- - 2017. Minor Protections: Best Practices for Representing Immigrant Children, 47 N. M. L. Rev. 247 (2017).
- - 2014. States and Status: A Study of Geographical Disparities for Immigrant Youth, 46 Col. Hum. Rts. Rev. 266 (2014).
- - 2011. Davida Finger, Laila Hlass, Anne Hornsby, Susan Kuo & Rachel Van Cleave, Engaging the Legal Academy in Disaster Response, 10 Seattle J. for Soc. Just. 211 (2011).