Judith Maxwell
Louise Rebecca Schawe and Williedell Schawe Memorial Professor
Department of Anthropology
School of Liberal Arts
Stone Center Departments
The Stone Center
People Classification
Tulane Affiliation
Core Faculty
- Central America
- North America

Language & Gender; Language and Culture; Beginning, Intermediate, & Advanced Kaqchikel; Kaqchikel Maya Culture; Language Death
Additional Info
Number of Dissertations or Theses Supervised in the Past 5 Years: 10
Language/Linguistics, Tunica, Nahuatl (Classical and Modern), Kaqchikel Maya Linguistics and Culture, Bilingual/Intercultural Education, Language Death and Revitalization, Discourse Analysis, Language and Power,Language and Gender
- Ph.D., University of Chicago, Anthropology and Linguistics, 1982
- M.A., Michigan State University, Linguistics, 1976
- B.A., Michigan State University, TESOL, 1970
Academic Experience
Academic Experience
- Louise Rebecca Schawe and Williedell Schawe Memorial Professor 2014-
- Professor, Tulane University, 2007-
- Associate Professor, Tulane University, 1990-2007
- Visiting Professor, Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, 1995
- Visiting Professor, Universidad Rafael Landivar, Guatemala, 1993
- Assistant Professor, Tulane University, 1984-1990
- Fulbright Fellowship, Guatemala, 2009-2010
- Weiss Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2009
- Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies Grant, “Kaqchikel sacred sites ethnolinguistic study,” 2006
- Mesoamerican Ethnohistory Fund Grant, “Survey of sacred sites in the Iximche’ area of Guatemala,” 2004, 2005
- National Endowment for the Humanities Grant, Kaqchikel Chronicles Translation Project, 1997-1999
- Spanish
- Maya-Kaqchikel
- Nahuatl
- Maya-Chuj
- Maya-Yucatec
- Maya-O’anjob’al
- Maya-K’ichee’
- Maya-Ixil
- French
- German
- Tunica
Overseas Experience
- El Salvador
- Guatemala
- Mexico
- Colombia
- Honduras
- Costa Rica
- Dominican Republic
Selected Publications
- 2024. with Patricia Anderson. Tunica. Chapter 58. The Languages and Linguistics of Indigenous North America: A Comprehensive Guide, Vol 1:1545-1577. Walter De Gruyter Press: Berlin
- 2024. with Ixnal Ambrocia Cuma Chávez et al. A Journey through Kaqchikel Maya Time... invited chapter in Geography of Time, Place, Movement and Networks... Stanley Brunn and Donna Gilbreath, eds. New York: Springer
- 2023. with Kuhpani Yoyani Luhchi Yoroni. Rowinataworu Luhchi Yoroni: Tunica Language Textbook I. Indiana University Press: Bloomington, Indiana.
- 2023. Kiwujil Kaqchikela’. Editorial Maya’ Wuj: Guatemala
- 2023. Crónica de los Xajil. Editorial Maya’ Wuj: Guatemala
- 2022 Invited chapter, With Ixnal Ambrocia Cuma Chávez et al. Q’eqaläj Jiq’ Ojöb ‘Darkest Suffocating Cough (COVID 19) in Guatemala...In COVID-19 and an Emerging World of Ad Hoc Geographies. Stanley Brunn and Donna Gilbreath, eds. New York: Springer
- 2021. with Ajpub’ García Ixmata’ and Juan Rodrigo Guarchaj. Kemchi’ Wuj pa Oxi’ Ch’ab’äl: Kaqchikel, K’iche’, chuqa’ Tz’utujiil. Arte de los tres idiomas: Kaqchikel, K’iche’, Tz’utujiil. Universidad Rafael Landívar: Guatemala.
- 2019. Mayan Languages and Guatemala Law: shifting identities and ideologies. in Handbook of the Changing World Language Map. Stanley Brunn, Roland Kehrein, and Donna Gilbreath, eds. New York: Springer. and online https://link.springer.com/referencework