Jordan Karubian
Professor - Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
School of Science & Engineering
Stone Center Departments
The Stone Center
People Classification
Tulane Affiliation
Core Faculty
- South America

Tropical Field Biology; Tropical Field Research
Additional Info
Number of Dissertations or Theses Supervised in the Past 5 Years: 35
Tropical Research, Animal Behavior, Conservation, Ecology, Evolution, Ornithology, Ecuador
- Ph.D., University of Chicago, Ecology and Evolution, 2001
- M.S., University of Chicago, Ecology and Evolution, 1997
- B.S., University of California, San Diego, Ecology, 1993
Academic Experience
Academic Experience
- Professor, Tulane University, 2021-
- Associate Professor, Tulane University, 2016-2021
- Assistant Professor, Tulane University, 2010-2015
- Instructor, University of California, Los Angeles, 2007-2009
- Teaching Assistant, University of Chicago, 1996-2001
- Teaching Assistant, The University of California, San Diego, 1993
- Distinguished Research Professor Award, School of Science & Engineering, Tulane University, 2024
- Diversity & Outreach Faculty Award, School of Science & Engineering, Tulane University, 2022
- Fulbright Fellow, Fulbright US Scholars Program (Ecuador), 2022-23
- Duren Professor, Newcomb-Tulane College, Tulane University, 2021-22
- Inaugural Scholar-In-Residence, Center for Public Service. Tulane University, 2020-21
- Fellow, American Ornithological Society, 2019
- Fellow, Mellon Graduate Program in Community-Engaged Scholarship. Tulane University, 2018-20
- Board Member, Jocotoco Foundation (Ecuador), 2016-22
- Spanish
- Portuguese
Overseas Experience
- Ecuador
- Brazil
- Costa Rica
- Mexico
Selected Publications
- 2023. “Limited seed dispersal shapes fine-scale spatial genetic structure in a Neotropical dioecious large-seeded palm,” with S. Escobar. Biotropica, 55(1), 160–172.
- 2023. “Impacts of Flowering Density on Pollen Dispersal and Gametic Diversity Are Scale Dependent,” with Z. Diaz-Martin. The American Naturalist, 201(1), 52–64.
- 2023. “Does capacity to produce androgens underlie variation in female ornamentation and territoriality in White-shouldered Fairywren (Malurus alboscapulatus)?,” with J. Boersma. Hormones and Behavior, 154, 105393.
- 2023. “The adaptive significance of off-lek sociality in birds: A synthetic review, with evidence for the reproductive benefits hypothesis in Long-wattled Umbrellabirds,” with H.L. Anderson. Ornithology. 140(3), ukad021.
- 2018. “Rare genotype advantage promotes survival and genetic diversity of a tropical palm,” with Browne, L. New Phytologist. 218(4): 1658-1667.
- 2018. “Habitat loss and fragmentation reduce effective gene flow by disrupting seed dispersal in a neotropical palm,” Browne, L. Molecular Ecology. 27: 3055-3069.
- 2018. “Impacts of nectar robbing on the foraging ecology of a territorial hummingbird,” with Hazlehurst, J. Behavioural Processes. 149:27-34.
- 2017. “Environmental disturbance increases social connectivity in a tropical passerine bird,” with Lantz, S.M. PLoS One 12(8): 0183144.