History Professor and PhD Candidate Receive US Foreign Relations Scholarly Honors

Tulane history professor Jana Lipman, and history PhD candidate Mira Kohl, both received scholarly honors from the Society for historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR). SHAFR recognized Lipman for her book “In Camps: Vietnamese Refugees, Asylum Seekers, and Repatriates” (University of California Press, 2020), and Kohl for her article “Between Louisiana and Latin America: Oil Imperialism and Bolivia’s 1937 Nationalization.”

SHAFR advocates for and honors “the study, advancement, and dissemination of a knowledge of American foreign relations,” according to its site.

Lipman’s work on Vietnamese refugees won the Robert H. Ferrell Bool Prize, and Kohl received that Stuart L. Bernath Scholarly Article Prize. Kohl’s work assesses the regional impacts of Louisiana Senator Huey Long’s speeches claiming Standard Oil instigated the Chaco War between Bolivia and Paraguay.

Read further on the Tulane News Page.