From The Hill: Tulane sociologist David Smilde argues against military intervention in Venezuela

Read the entire story in the original article in The Hill titled, Venezuela needs politics and diplomacy, not military intervention.

Dr. David Smilde, the Charles A. and Leo M. Favrot Professor of Human Relations and Senior Associate Fellow at the Center for Inter-American Policy and Research at Tulane University, recently co-authored an opinion piece to The Hill. Smilde and co-author Abraham Lowenthal commented on the need for diplomacy and negotiations, rather than military intervention, in Venezuela. The authors argue that to transition from authoritarian rule toward democracy, strategic vision and an openness to compromise are more likely to achieve lasting results than external imposition.

See also:
Venezuelans want President Maduro out, but most would oppose foreign military intervention to remove him from The Conversation

Venezuelans want President Maduro out, but most would oppose foreign military intervention to remove him from Pubic Radio International.

Isolation Greets Maduro’s New Term as Venezuela’s President from U.S. News and World Report.