Gonzalo Contreras Aguirre
Post-Doctoral Fellow- Center for Inter-American Policy and Research
Stone Center Departments
People Classification
Postdoctoral Fellows
Tulane Affiliation

Political Representation, Citizen Involvement in Politics, Political Participation, Clientelism.
- DPhil., University of Oxford, Politics, 2024
- MSc. Oxford University, Politics Research, 2019
- B.A., Universidad Diego Portales, Chile, Political Science, 2012
Academic Experience
Academic Experience
- Post-Doctoral Fellow, Center for Inter-American Policy and Research, Tulane University, 2024-
- Seminar Instructor, University College London, 2021-2024
- Lecturer, Universidad Diego Portales, 2016-2017
- Senior Adviser. Home Office, Chilean Government, Santiago, Chile. 2014-2018.
- Excellence in Student Feedback Award. University College London, Department of Political Science. 2024
- Virginia Gray Graduate Student Research Award for the APSA Annual Conference 2023, Los Ángeles, United States, in the Political Organizations and Parties section. 2023.
- APSA Organized Section Support Grant for the APSA Annual Conference 2023, Los Ángeles, United States, in the Comparative Politics section. 2023.
- APSA First Generation Scholars in the Profession Annual Meeting Travel and Accessibility Grant. Awarded by the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Programs of the American Political Science Association.
- APSA Graduate Student Member Support Grant. APSA Committee on the Status of Graduate Students in the Profession.
- Travel Grant funded by Ms Julia Poschinger-Bray, St. Hugh’s College alumna. University of Oxford. Grant to attend APSA Annual Meeting 2023.
- Vacation Course and Travel Grant. St. Hugh’s College, University of Oxford. Grant to conduct fieldwork in Santiago, Chile. 2021.
- Barbinder Watson Travel Fund. St. Hugh’s College, University of Oxford. Grant to conduct fieldwork in Santiago, Chile. 2021.
- Marco Villani Graduate Research Grant Fund. St. Hugh’s College, University of Oxford. Travel grant to participate at CEISAL conference, Helsinki, Finland. 2022.
- Spanish
Overseas Experience
- Chile
- United Kingdom
Selected Publications
- 2024. Contreras, G. ”Outsourcing Machines. How programmatic parties include clientelistic strategies.” Comparative Political Studies. https://doi.org/10.1177/00104140241271310.
- 2024. Contreras, G. and M. Morales. “Masking Electoral Turnout. Invalid Voting and Class Bias When Compulsory Voting is Reinstated.” Electoral Studies (92): 102878.
- 2023. Belmar, F., G. Contreras, M. Morales, C. Troncoso. 2023. “Demanding non-programmatic distribution: evidence from local governments in Chile”. Policy Studies, Vol. 44(2).
- 2018. Contreras, G. and Morales, M. 2018. "Ethnic solidarity and the vote: Mapuche candidates and voters in Chile". Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2017.1371582.
- 2017. Cantillana C., Contreras, G., Morales, M., Oliva, D. and Perelló, L. 2017. "Malestar con la representación democrática en América Latina". Política y Gobierno, vol. 24 (2): 245-274.
- 2017. Contreras, G. and Morales, M. 2017. "Why was the voluntary vote approved in Chile? Reasons and arguments that drove the reform". Revista Chilena de Derecho y Ciencia Política, vol 8 (2), 1-37