Frida Melgar


M.A. (May 2022)
School of Liberal Arts
Stone Center Departments
The Stone Center
Tulane Affiliation
Graduate Alumna
Frida Melgar


Frida Camille Melgar is a first-year student in the Latin American Studies MA program. She is from El Paso, Texas, and has a BA in Global Studies, with a minor in International Business from St. Edward‘€™s University. Frida is a Fulbright Scholar who participated in the 2019 Binational Business Program in Mexico City. There she worked with the NGO Ashoka, helping social entrepreneurs in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. Her academic interests include international development, immigration studies, and human rights. Frida is fluent in English, Spanish and is also learning Portuguese. She hopes to travel to Brazil and continue to improve her language skills.