Join the Sawyer Seminar for a tour and talk of the monumental landscape of New Orleans. Open to 20 guests, registrants must RSVP by emailing Miriam Taylor at mtaylor11@tulane.edu; the event runs from 9 am to 2 pm with snacks, lunch, and transportation provided. This event is intended to garner further understanding of the monumental landscape of the city and how monuments (especially those to colonialism, the Confederacy, and white supremacy) shape our experiences of city space and the ways in which the city can be knit together or divided through these symbolic forms. Through conversations led by Dr. Mia Bagneris, Dr. Jeffery Darensbourg, and Big Chief Demond Melancon, this site visit will encourage guests to consider how removal – while not erasing the way these monuments have already shaped experiences of the city – can open up spce for interventions, offering new ways of interpreting the sites.
This artist talk is a part of “Monumental Iconoclasms,” a multi-part symposium taking place between April 5 and 10 considering contemporary challenges to existing monuments in New Orleans and Mexico City.
All events are free and open to the public, and all attendees should be prepared to wear a mask.