Screening of Havana, From on High at the New Orleans Film Festival

Uptown Campus
Other location info
Tubi Theater at the Contempary Arts Center (CAC)

Havannah From on High

Film Description

The sun rises over Havana, Cuba, and awakens not just a city, but the people who live on its rooftops. Amidst poverty and dilapidated buildings left by the Special Period: "the worst economic crisis the country has ever seen" lie people with a deep love for the city and their towering views. Through sun-soaked visuals and interviews with rooftop dwellers, we get a sense of their hopes, history, and the reality of living in Cuba post Special Period. What begins as a portrait of everyday life becomes an exploration of the effects of socio-economic disarray and increased foreign influence on a fiercely independent nation. Despite their adversity and separation from the world, the rooftop dwellers of Havana, like all others, search for happiness.

The Stone Center will be offering a limited number of free tickets on a first-come, first-served basis. Please stay tuned for announcements on how to redeem these tickets.