Please join the Center for Inter American Policy and Research on Friday, April 29 from 1-2 pm in the Greenleaf Conference Room 100A Jones Hal for a talk by Dr. Alain Ize (Columbia School of International and Public Affairs): "Revisiting Latin America’s Growth Conundrum: A Macro and Trade Perspective"
Latin America has not “globalized well.” This talk will revisit Latin America’s disappointing growth using a macro and trade accounting decomposition that links the region’s growth challenges to its growth history. Particular focus will be given to the wrong start the region took under import substitution industrialization and the historic difficulties in stabilizing domestic demand. Dr. Ize identifies a close relationship between the region’s growth patterns, quality of macroeconomic policies, nature of trade, and the segmentation of their labor markets. Looking to the future, there is a need for macro and trade-centered growth policies supported by a strategic and proactive State, a richer public-private dialogue, better functioning democratic institutions, and more capable civil services.
Dr. Ize's paper is available upon request; please contact sfialkof@tulane.edu.