The Problem of Piracy: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Plunder across the World from the Ancient to the Modern

Uptown Campus
Jones Hall
Greenleaf Conference Room, 100A Jones Hall and Room 102

An International Conference on World Piracy Past and Present

All sessions are in-person, with two fully virtual panels. For presentation times, please see the program below the virtual panel registration.

Coffee, light snacks, and sandwiches will be served. 

Virtual Panel Registration

VIRTUAL Panel: Perception, Representation, and State Interest in Predation by Sea

Date: Thursday, June 15th

Time: 15:30-17:30 CDT (UTC-5) 


Oli Akroyd, Fast-Fish and Loose-Fish: Piracy and the vision of Russian imperialism in nineteenth-century United States

Pedro D. Correa, Pirates against dictators. Marine invasions against Juan Vicente Gómez

Nutcha Sukhawattanakun and Eun Seob Lee, The Interdisciplinarity of Legal Action toward the Violent Activities of Illegal Fishing Vessel as Peril of the Sea: Case studies of Korea and Thailand

Zoom Registration for Perception, Representation, and State Interest in Predation by Sea


VIRTUAL Panel: Piratical and Counter-Piratical Networks

Date: Friday, June 16th

Time: 9-11 CDT (UTC-5) 


Hugo André Flores Fernandes Araújo, Watching the coast: maritime predation and the role of sailors, fishermen and indigenous in the Portuguese Atlantic (17th and 18th centuries)

Connie Kelleher, Pirates, Trade and Shipwrecks: Evidence from the South Coast of Ireland in the early-17th Century

Harry M. Lewis, Between Legitimacy and Piracy: Jacobite Merchants in Madagascar and Peru, 1701-1725

Zoom Registration for Piratical and Counter-Piratical Networks 


Sponsored by: the Stone Center for Latin American Studies and the Department of History in the School of Liberal Arts at Tulane University.