Presentación - Cuba empresarial: Emprendedores ante una cambiante política pública

Uptown Campus
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La presentación será disponible en las siguientes páginas:
The presentation can be found on the following webpages:


Nos acompañarán, Ted A. Henken (coautor), William Bello Sánchez (coordinador del Programa Oasis), Camilo Condis (emprendedor y podcaster), Ricardo Torres (profesor e investigador, UH), y Ladislao Aguado (editor de HM). 

We will be joining Ted A. Henken (coauthor), William Bello Sánchez (Oasis Program Coordinator), Camilo Condis (Entrepreneur and Podcaster), Ricardo Torres (Professor and Investigator, UH), and Ladislao Aguado (Editor of HM). 

Join Stone Center alum, Dr. Ted Henken, one of our doctoral program graduates, this Thursday at 6:30 pm EST for a book talk on the Spanish version of “Cuba Empresarial”.  Ted Henken’s recently published book builds upon the research he began while at Tulane and which formed the basis of his doctoral dissertation.  Dr. Henken, who maintains a strong affinity for New Orleans, is an Associate Professor of Sociology and Latin American Studies with a dual appointment in the Department Black and Latino Studies at Baruch College, City University of New York.