"O Navio Negreiro" Poetry Reading

Uptown Campus
Howard-Tilton Memorial Library
Room 430
Other location info

Join the Stone Center for Latin American Studies, the Latin American Library, Tulane University Libraries, Spanish & Portuguese, and Africana Studies for the annual Tulane University poetry reading of “O Navio Negreiro” (“The Slave Ship”).  

“O Navio Negreiro” is a classic piece by Brazilian abolitionist Castro Alves describing the middle passage. The reading will be done in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and—for the first time this year—Haitian Creole. After the reading, participants will have the opportunity to engage with primary sources from the Latin American Library’s collections relating to Black History in Latin America and the Caribbean. All attendees are welcome to sign up to read in the language of their choice. 


Click here to sign up to read