The Mosaic Protest Cycle. State-Social Movements Dynamics and the 2013 Brazilian Case

Speaker/Performer Name
Angela Alonso
Uptown Campus
Jones Hall
Greenleaf Conference Room

Prof. Angela Alonso draws on her latest book, “Treze: a política de ruas de Lula a Dilma” (Companhia das Letras, 2023) to address two critical aspects within social movement literature: the dynamics between the state and social movements, and the contentious issues that tend to trigger street demonstrations. Both subjects are examined through a case study on the 2013 Brazilian protests, the largest demonstrations in Brazil since the 1980s re-democratization and standing out as a significant event in contemporary democracies.  

Angela Alonso is a professor of Sociology at the University of São Paulo, and the coordinator of the Social Movements and Political Institutions research team at CEBRAP (Brazilian Center of Analysis and Planning). Currently, she is a visiting researcher at ALARI (Afro-Latin American Research Institute) at the Hutchins Center, Harvard University.