MARI Brown Bag Series to host Borizlava Simova for talk titled "Floors, Platforms, Earth Offerings? Excavations in the Actuncan E-Group Plaza"

Uptown Campus
Dinwiddie Hall

The Middle American Research Institute is proud to announce the next talk of the 2018-2019 Brown Bag talk series. Borizlava Simova, Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Anthropology, will presents part of her dissertation research in a talk titled Floors, Platforms, Earth Offerings? Excavations in the Actuncan E-Group Plaza at 12:00 PM in Dinwiddie 305.

MARI’s Brown Bag talk series is meant to provide a venue for students and faculty focusing on topics related to Mesoamerica to discuss their latest research in an informal and friendly setting. If you are interested in presenting, please email Jessica Melancon for more information.

For the current speaker list of this talk series, visit the MARI Brown Bag website.