Esta serie reúne a los autores más representativos de la escritura continental y los editores que los publican. A través de entrevistas profundas con la reconocida escritora ecuatoriana Gabriela Alemán y presentaciones de proyectos editoriales, los invitados explorarán los vínculos entre el mundo literario y la realidad continental. Sus conversaciones se convertirán después en el eje de un archivo digital que busca llevar estas ideas a un público global.
This series brings together Latin America’s most representative creative voices and the editorial entrepreneurs that publish them. By way of interviews conducted by renowned Ecuadorian writer Gabriela Alemán and presentations of various editorial missions, the guests will shed light on a literary world shaped by the contemporary issues of the continent. Moving forward, their conversations will comprise the centerpiece of a digital archive that introduces their ideas to a global audience.
All events will be held at 5:30pm in the Greenleaf Conference Room, 100-A Jones Hall and will be followed by a reception.
About the Author
Alejandro Zambra is the author of Chilean Poet; Multiple Choice; My Documents, a finalist for the Frank O’Connor International Short Story Award; and three previous works of fiction: Ways of Going Home, The Private Lives of Trees, and Bonsai. The recipient of numerous literary prizes, as well as a Cullman Center fellowship, his stories have appeared in The New Yorker, The New York Times Magazine, The Paris Review, Granta and Harper’s, among others. Two of his texts have been turned into movies: Bonsai was adapted by Cristian Jiménez and premiered in Cannes Film Festival in 2011; “Family Life”, included in My Documents, was adapted into film in 2016. His latest book, Chilean Poet, won the following awards in Chile: Premio Mejores Obras Literarias Publicadas 2021 (Consejo Nacional del Libro y la Lectura), Premio de la Crítica a la mejor novela de 2020 (Círculo de Críticos de Arte de Chile), Premio José Nuez Martín, otorgado por la Universidad Católica, a la mejor novela de 2020 and Premio Academia 2021 (Academia Chilena de la Lengua). He lives in Mexico City.