Latin American Writers Series: Gabriela Wiener

Uptown Campus
Jones Hall
100 A

Tulane Visiting Scholar and Ecuadorian author Gabriela Alemán interviews Peruvian writer Gabriela Wiener about her life, interests, and influences. Their discussion will be followed by an open Q&A and informal reception.

This event will be held in Spanish

About the Latin American Writers Series

This series brings together Latin America's most representative creative voices and the editorial entrepreneurs that publish them. By way of interviews conducted by renowned Ecuadorian writer Gabriela Alemán and presentations of various editorial missions, the guests will shed light on a literary world shaped by the contemporary issues of the continent. Moving forward, their conversations will comprise the centerpiece of a digital archive that introduces their ideas to a global audience.

Este serie reune a los autores más representativos de la escritura continental y los editores que los publican. A través de entrevistas con la reconocida escritora ecuatoriana Gabriela Alemán y presentaciones de proyectos editoriales, los invitados explorarán los vínculos entre el mundo literario y la realidad continental. Sus conversaciones se convertirán después en el eje de un archivo digital que busca llevar estas ideas a un público global.

About the author

Gabriela Wiener, born in Lima, has published multiple collections of chronicles, including Sexografias (2008), Llamada Perdida (2009), Nueve Lunas (2015), and Dicen de mí (2017), as well as one of poetry, Ejercicios para el endurecimiento del espíritu (2014). The English translation of her first book, Sexographies, was released in 2018. Her writing also regularly appears in periodicals in Europe, South America, and the United States. In 2018, Wiener shared the IPYS Premio Nacional de Periodismo in Peru with Diego Salazar for Una historia de terror en París a piece exposing the sex crimes of poet Reynaldo Naranjo.